Thankfully with the world cup coming to an end there has been more days to go out or get stuff done, I have even booked to go to a couple of events throughout July. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were just pretty basic days going to work coming home and just relaxing. Thursday though I ended up going out to a local pub to watch the England game, which I am so glad they won. Friday I was straight home from work and ready to watch the USA game then I went and stayed at my sisters for the night. It was lovely on Saturday to wake up and spend some time with the nephew, then we went for my hair cutting at long last and spent the rest of the day at a local gala where I came away with sunburn. Whilst we were there my dad and Liam got a lot more of the decking done which will be in a post coming very soon. Sunday was more of a chilled day with us taking blog pictures and me getting more done in the spare room, it is nice how things are slowly coming together so here is what I had....
Been Watching : I have obviously watched 90% of the football that has been on, and when it hasn't been on I have been watching a lot of healthy eating videos and Sidemen videos over on YouTube.
Been reading : Once again my reading limit has been blogs and match reports.
Been listening to : I can't get enough of Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello lately so they have both been on repeat with a bit of Tegan and Sara also thrown in.
Bought : I bought the weekly food shop but I honestly don't think I bought anything else other than my football stickers.
Plans for this week : I want to get back to the gym on nights where the football isn't on, I also wanted to do a deep clean of the house and sort my wardrobe out. Fingers crossed I can get a bit of the little room done as well.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon
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