Well pay day has finally happened and it couldn't have come any sooner. The plan with this pay day is to save, save, save however, with my birthday falling in this time frame I have a fair few party expenses to pay out. That being said though I feel like this wish list for the month is a nice mix of items that are going to take me through the change of season towards the end of September and also help me get back on track with my weight loss journey but I guess we will see with that. So here is what has made it onto my August pay day wish list...
Random items
These items fall into the random items category as they aren't fashion or fitness based but are items I have had my eye on for a while now. I will hopefully be treating myself to a fair few of these pieces throughout the month...

Ralph Lauren Mug
Our mug cupboard is currently going through a big declutter as a lot are worse for wear. The plan is to upgrade the mugs slowly over time with some nice looking ones, rather ones where prints wash off. I keep getting drawn towards a few different Ralph Lauren ones, so I need to work out which one I really want to pick up. I love the football one but I also love the Ralph's coffee one, who knows I might end up getting a few of these but for this pay day I am going to try settle for just the one.

Ralph Lauren Travel Mug
With the cold weather coming I am preparing ahead and the plan is to not have half as many drinks out as we did last year and instead take drinks out with us. I would love to pick up a Ralph Lauren travel mug for those walks to work and the long dog walks we will definitely be going on. This might be expensive at first but I am more likely to get the use out of it if I like how it looks.

New Perfume
I am 100% using some of my August wage to pick up a new perfume as I am very slowly running out of current perfume so an upgrade is required. I am thinking something a bit fancier than usual and something that is going to work well in the darker months too. Chanel No5 is drawing me in the most at the moment so I have a funny feeling that this going to be the one I end up purchasing.

I need to sort my skin out once and for all so I know that a fair bit of August's pay is going to go on bits to help me get my skin back into a good condition. I have been looking into the CeraVe range a lot lately so I feel like I will end up with a few bits from them and maybe a few other brands. It is time to build up a good morning & night time skincare routine.
Fruit box
Me & Liam are both trying to get a lot healthier this month and actually properly food shopping which is going to help us both with our fitness and weight loss goals (more on those another day though). We are currently not storing our fruit properly which means it is getting wasted so the plan now is to get something to store fruit in properly for a change and hopefully make it last a lot longer. This one on Amazon is currently winning on which one we buy.
Snack boxes
Tik Tok is entirely to blame for this one as I got sucked down the rabbit hole of watching people create adult lunchables. I am now wanting to get some of these tubs for me to take to work filled with some healthier snacks for the day rather than me raiding the biscuit tin every two minutes like I currently do. I feel like these could be fun to make too so maybe this needs to be a sooner rather than later purchase.
Box for ironing
Liam has a new job and I am wearing nicer clothes lately which has meant one thing... the ironing board needs to come out, something we try to avoid normally. Now with Liam's uniform changing we are going to need to take time each week to iron his clothes and any of my bits of mine that I decide need sorting. This box will just be where we put the freshly washed pieces go before getting ironed ready for the next week.
Fashion items
So those were the random items but now we are onto the fashion pieces and to be honest there aren't too many at the moment. The main plan with August's pay is to pick up a few bits ready for when the weather changes. So here are those fashion bits I want to pick up in this pay period...
With my style changing I don't really have many tops that will go with my new style so I want to make sure I am prepared for the shift in weather by adding some jumpers into my wardrobe already. To be honest I have always been a hoodie type of girl in the past so jumper shopping is new to me so it is going to be a case of shopping around for the perfect ones. The places I will be looking though are Marks & Spencer, Next and Primark.
The smarter style is going to mean the likes of trousers for work rather than the jeans and with the weather changing I am looking around for the perfect trousers that are going to see me through autumn & winter. I feel like darker colours would be better suited for this and these Next checked ones are stand outs at the moment however, I am going to need a few pairs so I will definitely be shopping around.
Plain ribbed t-shirts
I am seeing these ribbed t-shirts all over my social media at the moment and the more I see them the more I fall in love with them. The one in the image is from M&S and to be honest if I try one on and it looks good I can see me getting a few of these in different colours if it comes to it. These are perfect for an outfit base and not so expensive so let's hope I try it on and it fits right.
Ribbed polo
I am so used to wearing everything from the mens department but with this new style I am venturing into the women's department at long last. Whilst on the M&S site I came across this ribbed knitted polo and instantly fell in love with it so I am really hoping I can find this in store to see if it works for me as I think this would be perfect for work.
The loafers love is fully back & I am loving it as I feel like these will work great for me throughout the colder weather for work and even trips out. They are just so much smarter than trainers and there are plenty of different options in styles of loafers I could opt for so I think I will be shopping around for some perfect pairs.
Fitness items
The final category is the fitness items I am wanting to purchase as I am planning on using the time in this pay period to really knuckle down & get back into my fitness and weight loss journey something I have been delaying for so long. So here are those items I am hoping to pick up...
Running socks
My couch to 5k journey is going to be starting again in this pay day period and I feel like I need some proper running socks this time around to make sure my feet are properly looked after for a change rather than wearing thin un-supportive socks like I have been doing. I am going to be going to a proper running shop to look for these I think to make sure I get the best for me.
Gym + Coffee workout fit
As a pre birthday treat I am going to purchase myself a nice new workout outfit to help me get back into the gym as a new outfit always helps give you a boost. I am really wanting to try out Gym + Coffee at long last as I have been scrolling their website for so long now. Maybe a nice t-shirt & shorts combo will be what I opt for.
Gut support vitamins
A restock is very much required on these vitamins as I am down to my last few and have stopped taking them for a while due to how little I had left. These are a bit on the expensive side of things but when I have been taking them regularly I have noticed a big difference in my body so I need to get another pack of these to get things back on track as I through myself into the journey.
So there you have it those are the items I am hoping to pick up in this period, will I get anything? Or will I get it all? I guess only time will tell...
Let's see what we end up with shall we.
See you soon,