How on earth are we in September already? This year is going by a lot faster than others and September is bound to go just as fast if not faster as it is going to be a very busy month. September sees the start of my football season where I will once again be testing to see if my body can carry me through a football season. It is also the month where I turn 30! There are going to be plenty of celebrations throughout the month so it is going to be a case of trying to squeeze everything in whilst also having a super productive month. The goals I am setting myself are pretty realistic for how busy the month is going to be so I can feel like I am smashing the month. So here are the goals I am setting myself...
Buy more autumn pieces
Autumn finally rolls around in September and it is safe to say it is my favourite season to dress for. With the style changes I am going through I have identified some gaps in my wardrobe for the season so the plan in September is to get those gaps filled an build my ideal autumn wardrobe for when the weather changes.
Make an effort with my outfits
Right September is time for me to stop being lazy and actually make an effort when it comes to my outfits. This means making sure I am wearing items that fit me right, that aren't losing colour and actually go together rather than throwing any old outfit on. This also means making sure all clothing is dog hair free and freshly ironed too as I am sick of being lazy with my clothing.
Keep decluttering my wardrobe to lean towards my new style
Slowly but surely I am getting more confident to wear the new style I am aiming for although I do have a long way to go and find myself reaching for my old faithful outfits more often than not. The plan in September is to keep on decluttering my wardrobe so that I have no option but to head for the new style. By decluttering the wardrobe I will finally free up a bit more space for those new items I am bringing in and can finally streamline my wardrobe.
Invest in more basics
Whilst I am adding to my wardrobe I want to make sure I am adding some basics that are going to last me a while & also see me through autumn whilst working with other pieces I already own. The sort of things I am going to be investing in are t-shirts both long & short sleeved, vest tops for layering. I am also planning on investing in some better socks as the Nike's don't cut it anymore I need some nice neutral dress style socks and some thicker ones for the colder dog walks.
Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize with every outfit
Something I have realised lately is that accessories can really make an outfit. The times I have added accessories too I have felt so much more confident so I know that I really need to do it daily. I have plenty of accessories already and plan to add a few more to my rotation soon so I have no excuse to not be doing this daily.
Find a balance for everything
As I said earlier September is going to be a busy month so I setting myself a goal to find a balance in the month to avoid the dreaded burnout so I can enjoy myself. The plan is to put together a routine where I can balance work, family life, celebrations and football whilst also working on content and feeling somewhat human once the month comes to an end.
Go on more dog walks
I have been slacking when it comes to the night time dog walks and have been leaving them all to Liam. The goal for September though is to get out on a lot more of the night time walks with Liam and the dog & also spending more time walking with them on a weekend, I know I will benefit from the fresh air so let's hope this is a goal I smash.
Read a book
These days of me reading daily are well and truly gone however, I really do want to start reading more often again so I am making it a goal for September to actually sit down and read a book. I feel like it is time to sit and read one of the many fiction books I have got gathering dust.
Create a morning routine
I am determined to stop being lazy in September and with the month being a month of change I feel like it is time I sat and worked out my perfect morning routine. I am currently being super lazy and mornings are rushed however, I want to get it so on a weekday I can get up have a coffee whilst sorting social media posts for the day, who knows it will hopefully help me become more consistent. I also want the routine to create a much slower start to the day on both weekends and weekdays but we will talk about that when we get the routine nailed.
Kick start my 30's in the best way
My 30th birthday is towards the start of the month so I am determined to use the rest of the month to make sure my number age category gets underway in the best way possible. If all these goals on this post go to plan I think it is safe to say my 30's will be starting in the best way but I guess only time will tell.
Keep the house spotless post party
In the run up to my party at home we are decluttering and tidying room by room, we have then booked a cleaner to come in and get the house looking its best before the actual party. The plan post party is to give the house another good clean and then finally start to keep on top of jobs rather than letting our standards slip like we have been doing. I am really hoping this is a goal we can tick off as I am sick of the house at the moment.
Declutter the bathroom shelves
As I said earlier we are going room by room decluttering and we are almost done however, a goal for the month is to go through and declutter the bathroom shelves and get them spotless without keeping hold of things for the sake of it like we have been doing. If we are ruthless with this we will gain so much space on the shelves at long last and we can restock products we are actually going to use whilst condensing how many products we actually have.
Keep on top of the washing & ironing
The wash baskets have been ridiculous lately as they have been overflowing just due to laziness. That is going to change by the end of September as I am determined to get everything washed, decluttered and put away at long last, gone are the days of letting things pile up for the sake of it. Plus with the new chapter the ironing is have to be done regularly to make sure our clothes are looking the best at all times.
Get more quotes for the hallway works
We have had one quote for the hallway so far which was plastering with an option to decorate after, let's just say the price shocked us a bit so we know it might take a while to get the works underway. We need to sort out the sort of budget we need though so the plan is to try get at least a joiner quote in September as this will be possibly the biggest cost. If we got a rough estimate for the flooring too that would be great but let's just see how things go shall we.
Keep saving towards the hallway works
I guess this one kind of comes and in hand with the above goal but the plan in September is for me to not dip into my savings and actually save towards the hallway works. I have told myself it is going to take twice as long if I don't knuckle down and save now and as it is a job we really want doing it is time to step things up a bit.
Post on the Edge of the Area Instagram daily
Football season is back in full swing in September as by the end of the month all the women's leagues will be underway. I guess this has shown me just how much I have been slacking on all things Edge of the Area so the plan for September is to start showing up on social media once more and actual put content out seen as last season I totally lost love for it all.
Post more regularly on TNG Instagram
I finally know the direction I want to take the TNG Instagram account in so the plan in September is to be a whole lot more consistent with it. Granted I am not sure if daily posting will take place just yet however, even 2 or 3 posts a week will be a win for me for this one.
Post every weekday on TNG website
Right the plan for the month is to have 5 posts going up each week, which means 1 post every weekday. If I just get a routine sorted out and get a bit more organised I should easily be able to get this done. I have enough ideas of what I want to write so fingers crossed by the end of the month there will be a bunch of new posts on here.
Post more on TikTok
Social media has been well and truly neglected so fingers crossed all the goals above will help me become a bit more consistent with it. I really want to push on with my TikTok account as I know there is a lot of potential if I was a lot more consistent with it. Let's see how this one goes as I have a few ideas for it.
Get the TNG Media accounts posting more often
I want to have a big push for creating for TNG Media during September as I really want to get some ideas off the ground. The plan is to just push out products I have created so far just to get the account seen whilst also working on ideas in the background. A post a week would keep me happy at the moment but let's see how it goes.
So there you go there are my goals for the month of September, I am determined to have a very good, productive month so let's see how many of these goals are ticked off as completed by the time the 1st of October rolls around. I am very hopeful that the new chapters opening through the month are going to help with the productivity levels so let's see how it plays out.
See you soon