It is time to upgrade the footwear choices...


I know I keep on saying it however, it is just how things are going at the moment as there seem to be a lot of areas in my life where things are changing. I will post more about these changes another day however, when I say that everything is starting to change I mean it as even my footwear choices are moving in a different direction. 

I guess this is due to my overall dress sense changing and my footwear needing to follow suit but I am starting to identify gaps where what I have on my feet needs to change. It really is time to upgrade my footwear rotation and the plan this time is to only buy the footwear that I really love and what will go with many pieces in the new wardrobe I am building. In preparation for the changes I have actually had a huge declutter of what I already had and let's just say a lot of pairs have finally been disposed of and I have been able to identify the gaps I have had and where replacements have been required. This list has also been heavily influenced by social media where I have been scrolling endlessly for inspiration for the style I want to aim for. So here are the pieces of footwear I want to add into my rotation...


Previously I have gone for those sneakers that are trendy however, they are expensive and don't seem to last two minutes. I am finding that following the crowd is getting boring now and I am wasting money as most pairs I buy don't go with anything else I own. I have recently picked up a few pairs that aren't considered to be on trend and to be honest I am finding them comfier and they are withstanding the wears more than my Nike's had been. So here are the sneakers that have made it onto my wish list...

All white sneakers

These are going to be an essential and I am hoping I can find a pair with minimal branding that is in a low cut silhouette. These will just slot straight into any rotation and will look fantastic with practically all of my wardrobe and any new additions that get brought in. There are a few options I have been looking at for this addition but I am going to have a shop around for that perfect pair and not just get the first ones I see.

Ralph Lauren sneakers

I picked up my first pair of Ralph Lauren sneakers a few month back and to be honest I wish I had got some previously as they are one of the comfiest pairs I own. The plan is to build up a nice little rotation of Ralph Lauren sneakers in the hopes that I eventually have a pair to go with each piece in my wardrobe. There are some nice options out there so with a good look around there should be a few new pairs added soon. 

Lacoste sneakers

Lacoste sneakers seem to be standing out to me every time I go where they are stocked so I think I am going to be adding a smart, simple pair into my footwear rotation. I used to love my old Lacoste sneakers so I am hoping that any new pairs I picked up are as comfortable and as easy to style. These will definitely be a sale pick up. 

Comme Des Garcons Converse

Converse are something I have fallen back in love with recently and I am absolutely loving the classic vibe you get when wearing them. To add a bit of an extra level to my outfits though I really want to pick up both a white & black pair of Comme Des Garcons Converse as that print on the side makes a brilliant statement on a simple outfit.

Other footwear

Surprisingly I am not finding myself wanting too many pairs of sneakers these days and I am gravitating towards trying out different footwear style for a change. With me changing up my style I know that changing the style of shoe I wear will make the outfits look better than if I just threw on any random pair of sneakers. So here are those other pairs of footwear that have made it onto my wish list...

Hey Dudes

Social media brought the brand Hey Dudes to my attention and I have instantly fallen in love with them. The footwear is so different to what I would usually wear but it is really standing out to me and I feel as though I really need to try a pair for myself. They are different but I think a nice simple pair would work really well for me.

Leather loafers

I currently own one pair of loafers but I really want to change this and pick up a few different styles of leather loafers to mix up my outfits a bit. My current pair are on the shiny side and are best for nights out or events so I would like a few more subtle leather pair of loafers, one chunky & one more smarter looking pair. These may take a while to hunt down the perfect pair but I am determined to add a few pairs of leather loafers very soon.

Suede loafers

For the summer I would love to add a few pairs of suede loafers into my rotation in a few different colours however, I am so far struggling to find the perfect pairs at a reasonable price. The plan is to get a few pairs that are going to see me through this summer and for a few future years. Again I am going to need to have a shop around for the perfect pairs but I am sure I will get them in time for any more nice weather we get.


It has been a long time since I last owned a pair of espadrilles but I think this year it is time to repurchase a few different colours to go with different outfits. I don't want to spend a fortune on espadrilles but at the same time I don't want to buy cheap and have to repurchase them in the not so distance future. I would love to have a few pairs in my rotation by the time the weather warms up again.

Birkenstock sandals

Now I would 100% love a pair of Birkenstock sandals for this summer however, I am also at the stage now where I think it would be a bit more sensible to find some good quality dupes to see if the style of sandal works for me or not. There are plenty of dupes out there now for these so they should be added into the rotation pretty soon all being well.

Hermes dupe sandals

The more I see the Hermes sandals on my social media the more tempted I get to find a pair however, I know I aren't going to be rushing out to buy an actually Hermes pair due to the cost of them. Instead until I know I am actually going to like them and get the wear out of them I am planning on trying some different dupes to see how they go with the style direction I am heading in. Again there seems to be plenty of affordable dupes for these at the moment so I will hopefully have them in my rotation soon.

Clarks Wallabees

The more I see the Wallabees the more I would love to have a pair in my rotation so they have made this round of wish list posts. I would love these for summer however, with a bit of suede protection I think these would work so well with a lot of autumn outfits I have in mind. A nice neutral colourway of these will definitely be added to my footwear rotation at some point.

So there you have it those are the current footwear choices that are on my wish list, as my style is changing I know my footwear is going to have to too so some of these items will be added to my rotation sooner rather than later. I wonder what pair will be purchased first though?

I am really looking forward to now starting to build my perfect footwear rotation to match the style I am gravitating towards, you will notice a shift in content too so keep an eye out to see what direction the website and social media take... it really is a time for change now.

See you all soon...


My July 2024 goals

It is seriously time to stop slacking now as we enter the second half of the year. I am determined that July is going to be a month of implementing discipline and hopefully we will see a good amount of growth throughout the month. I have set myself goals that align with how I want not only the month to progress but also the rest of the year as from now on everything I do is going to be focused on becoming the best version of myself. 

So here are the goals I am hoping to smash this July...


Plan out all my weeks outfits every Sunday

Now I have the home office set up this is going to make life much easier as I can fill the rail with clothes for the whole week and get ready with everything in one place at long last. This will include my outfits for work, workouts, football and anything else they are needed for. The planning should also stop me throwing any old outfit on too. 

No wearing sneakers every day 

I am determined that July is going to be a month where I mix my footwear up much more. With the style changes taking places I know mixing up my footwear is actually going to be beneficial and as I have finally decluttered my footwear I know just what I have and what will or wont work well together. I am really hoping the weather brightens back up so I can get some wear out of my Dr Marten's sandals in July.

Add at least 1 accessory to each outfit

There has been no accessorizing going on no matter how good my intentions have been however, I am determined to change that around in July and the new rule is each day I add at least 1 accessory to the outfit I am wearing that did. It could be glasses, a hat or a piece of jewellery but at least 1 piece is a starting point. 

Dress smarter

I mentioned earlier I have just been throwing on any old clothes and hoping for the best but that also changes this month. With me planning my outfits dressing smarter should become much easier as I have time in advance to sit down and work out what piece goes with what. 

Buy a new Bradford City shirt

I have been really good when it comes to buying football shirts lately however, a new Bradford City shirt is on the cards for July. The new season starts early August and I always have at least one of the new shirts to wear on that opening home game. Out of the two released so far I think the home shirt is going to be July's purchase.


Make sure I am completing all my assigned workouts

At the moment my plan is set to 2 strength sessions, a run, a football session and a mobility session each week and I have been slacking and not completing a lot of my sessions which is doing me no good for my progress on my journey. The plan for July is to ensure I am hitting all those sessions unless I am injured or ill. A solid month of hitting all these sessions will help me build a habit going forward and hopefully help me push along on my journey.

Eat a lot better

My diet is what is really letting me down at the moment as I am still opting for the quick and easy options or takeaways however, the plan in July is to really reign in my eating habits and get things under control. I am going to limit my eating out and if I do eat out I will be looking for better alternatives. I am also planning on cooking from scratch more often and adding in more nutritious items to make sure the calories I am eating are beneficial for me.

Complete the colour run

I am doing the local colour run with some of my football team and the plan is to complete it with as much running involved as possible. Now I know I am not going to be able to run the full 5 km however, just showing up is pushing myself more than I previously would have done. It should be fun as well as there is a group of us doing it.

Make more progress on the Couch to 5K

Progress has seriously stalled on completing this due to life just getting much busier than I expected. I am starting to enjoy running a bit though so I am hoping I can set aside plenty of time in July to make some good progress through the app and progress my running journey. 

Continue to push myself out of my comfort zone

By completing the Total Warrior event in June I well and truly pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I felt like I had really achieved something. In July I want to continue to push myself by booking onto another event to do in 2025. The type of event that is standing out to me at the moment is a 10 km race but I am going to take a look and see what I can find.


Get the shoe and coat declutter done at last

The shoe and coat declutter has been put off for far too long now so in July I am more determined than ever to get this job ticked off the list and really free up some space for new in footwear and some new coats & jackets I have had my eye on. This job might take a while but it is going to be so worth while.

Sort the outside cupboard out

We have a cupboard outside that we have piled everything in and it is out of control. It is filled with rubbish, decorating supplies and the space could be made into something much more beneficial. The plan is to remove everything from in here and only put back in the gardening tools and maybe a few decorating bits. I just want to be able to easily access the items that we have in here rather than take my life into my own hands opening the door.

Sort out the shed at long last

The shed is a bit like the outside cupboard, it has become a dumping ground and again I just want it to be a space where we can easily access items for a change. There is a huge mix of things in here alongside things that need binning so the plan is to get some racking so each item has a designated space for a change and I know where something is if I am looking forward to it. I am quite positive we are going to be able to get a lot of bits removed from here to really free up some space.

Keep on top of cutting the grass

The plan in July is to get a lawnmower and strimmer so that we can finally start to take care of our garden ourselves. At the moment the front garden and back garden look like jungles so I am hoping to be able to go out every few weeks and just maintain these areas properly so we can make use out of the space for a change.

Complete the back garden

I really want to be able to enjoy the back garden this year as it has been such a wasted space these past 6 years that we have lived in the house. The plan is to convert the planters into seating, tidy up the space and paint the fence & possibly decking. Having this space will be brilliant as I can just go sit out there and enjoy the scenery instead of picking it apart. I can also have a head start on getting it party ready too as I have settled on a get together here for my birthday in September so I will take getting ahead on anything at the moment to make life easier.


Stick to my to buy list so I am not wasting money

I am determined to stick to my to buy list rather than heading out spending money for the sake of it like I have done too often recently. My list is full of items that will help me get the goals above ticked off so I know the purchases are going to be beneficial in the long run. The days of wasting money really need to be behind me now.

Add to savings rather than take out of them

I have recently found myself dipping into my savings rather than adding to them however, I know now that I need to stop doing this as I want to save to get the hallway redone and my car needs an M.O.T in November so I need to be prepared for that. If things go to plan with sticking to my to buy list I should easily be able to add to my savings rather than take out of them but I guess only time will tell. I am determined to finally get on top of my finances and there is no better way than taking action now.

Go to the driving range with Liam every Sunday possible

Now I know this won't be every Sunday in July as I know I am not at home for at least one of them however, I am determined that every Sunday I am at home will be spent with an hour or so at the local driving range. We have really enjoyed going lately and it is a chance to switch off and enjoy each others company so let's see if this goes to plan.

Spend time enjoying the garden

Now I am determined to get the garden done so I can tick off this goal. If the weather permits I would love to be able to go sit outside before work with a coffee or just enjoy my evening out there after work with a fire pit going. It is about time we got this sorted and made into an enjoyable area at long last.

Pick my next course to work on

I started off so well at the beginning of the year however, I have dropped right off and haven't completed a new course for a while now. The courses I have been doing are all from the free section of the Open University website so I will be heading back to the site in July to pick my next course to work through. I am hoping that I can not only pick a course to do but also make a start on it, I guess only time will tell though.


Post 3 times a week on my TNG Instagram

I am really determined to grow this account and start making some better content to follow the journey I am currently on to discover my style. I am hoping that I can get 3 regular pieces of content up per week as a minimum but if I do manage more than this I will be really impressed with myself. The main focus I think will be on reels but let's see if we can gather a bit of consistency this month and build some content creating habits. I need to try get on with getting out shooting content too as I have been missing doing this and know it will be beneficial for my content.

Post on the TNG website Monday to Friday Weekly

As of the 8th of July I want to make sure that I have a new and interesting blog post going up every weekday just to get back into creating content after falling out of love for it for a while. As things are changing I feel like having the website will help me document my journey and also help me express more than I can on Instagram. I am looking forward to creating plenty of new blog posts in July and also planning out what direction I really want to take my site in going forward.

Post on the TNGG website at least twice a week

Again as of the 8th of July I am planning on ensuring that a minimum of 2 blog posts a week go up on my gaming website. This has well and truly neglected lately due to a lack of gaming and a lack of motivation to write but the urge to sit and play games has well and truly returned and I am hoping I can get the content back up and running on this site too.

Start adding to the TNGG Tik Tok 

I really want to start building up a presence for my gaming site on Tik Tok so the goal for July is to get at least 4 videos on the platform. Granted I might end up doing more than the 4 videos in the month but at least 4 is a realistic number to aim for initially. I now just need to sit down and come up with some content ideas for the month.

Email 1 brand

I am really wanting to grow my content to the point where I can work with brands however, rather than sitting around waiting for opportunities I am planning on emailing or messaging 1 brand in July to see about possibly working together at some point. Granted my following is still only small so this is unlikely to happen but trying has never hurt anybody.

So there you have it those are my goals this July, make sure you check back at the end of the month to see just how many I managed to complete, if any at all. I am determined to have a very good and productive month so let's hope the end of the month is a very positive wrap up. 

It is time to get things moving in the right direction and these goals are bound to help that happen.

I need to start looking after items a lot more...


It is about time I finally started to add accessories to my outfits for once to add a bit of something extra to them but at the same time I want to make sure that I am also looking after my accessory's and clothing overall. With the new space as I have created in my spare room which is now an office/dressing room I am hoping that I can add more accessories into rotation whilst also having space for different care items so that my clothing and footwear lasts a lot longer than it has done previously. 

There are plenty of different items on this wish list as there are different areas of accessories that I want to improve upon whilst the care items are a nice mixture of looking after clothing more and making my footwear last a whole lot longer than it has been doing. So here are those items that have made it onto the wish list.


Between the new wardrobe and the new space in the spare room there is now plenty of space for a variety of accessories to be added into the rotation at long last. This means that I can finally add pieces I have wanted for a while whilst also finally having a home for each item where it is less likely to get damaged. So here are the accessories I am hoping to pick up soon...


I am in desperate need of some new belts with my old ones falling apart. The plan is to add a few more belts into my rotation, some a bit smarter and some a bit more casual but we will see what options stores have to offer in my size. Belts are becoming an essential now with my weight loss so maybe it is time to get out and get stocked up.

Baseball caps

The house is full of snap-backs however, I feel my style now is a bit more suited to the more dad style of baseball caps. Luckily on the high street there are plenty of options available at various prices whilst still being relatively cheap so I am aiming to pick up a few different styles and colours in these for the spring/summer seasons and possibly even into autumn. First up will be a Primark trip to see what options they have I think.


My eyes don't do well with the sun at all so I tend to live in sunglasses when there is a hint of sun. Every year I go out and buy a few pairs of sunglasses and this is going to be no different this year. I now have a bit more space for sunglasses too which is going to make shopping for them a bit more fun as I can pick up a few different cheap pairs in different styles for a change whilst also looking at a more expensive pair for once, maybe it is time to purchase those Ralph Lauren ones I keep getting drawn to. 


Apparently it is blue light filtered glasses that I require after having my eyes tested and I actually have some really nice smart looking Karen Millen ones however, I am also wanting some different styles that are more casual for my day to day outfits. I know that I need to wear the glasses daily so a few new pickups to match outfits might help me with that.


All my jewellery now has a new home and after a good sort out I actually have space for plenty of new additions. Having the new home and clear out has also shown me the areas which need improvement so the plan now is to add a few more bracelets into the rotation as I currently have one, add a few better quality rings as I am struggling in that department too and I might also add a few necklaces in as I know I wear these a lot and I could use a few more options.

Care items

As I said earlier it is about time I finally started to look after items properly as it will mean I get much more out of them. I don't look after clothing as I should and as for footwear, the backs are broken after a month of wearing them so it is about time I took some care with what I have and get my money worth. So here are the items I am hoping to pick up..

Sneaker Cleaning kit

I am hoping that I can pick up a sneaker cleaning kit ASAP as I am sick of my sneakers looking dirty and worn out after just a few wears. I tend to go for white sneakers these days so I want to make sure I am getting plenty of wear out of them whilst also making sure they look nice and fresh for as long as possible. A cleaning kit will definitely help me get much more wear out of all my sneakers.

Shoe trees

I have noticed that due to how I have previously stored a lot of my footwear the shape of them is disappearing. I am determined to get plenty of shoe trees ready to add to my favourite pairs of footwear in the hopes they will help me get more wear out of my shoes due to the shape holding properly. 

Shoe horn

As I mentioned earlier I am lazy when it comes to putting shoes on at the moment and rather than spend 2 minutes undoing the laces etc I just force my foot into the shoe which results in the backs being broken and worn down. I am determined to stop doing this though and I think picking up a shoe horn to have to hand in the spare room will help me just take a little more time to get the shoes on properly without causing any damage. You can pick these up relatively cheap too so lets hope I can find one soon.

Lint roller/ Clothes brush

I am undecided on whether to stock up on lint rollers or just invest in a decent clothes brush however, I need to get one of the options as soon as possible as my clothes could use their help. With the dust and bits of dog hair on my clothes I am currently in desperate need of the help from one of these to keep my clothes looking nice and clean before I head out of the door. This might be the first new addition into the new spare room space.

Valet rack

Now this is going to be a little addition to the wardrobe if I go ahead with the purchase. This would just fix into my wardrobe and I can pull it out to hang outfits on whilst I am planning what to wear each day. This would make outfit planning a lot easier and would save me from being backwards and forwards between the spare room and bedroom on those days where I am getting out fits sorted. Again these are quite cheap so I am definitely going to look into getting one. 

Garment steaming board

I actually take the time now to steam items however, I just hang them on the back of my door currently and the moisture is causing it a few issues so after a search on Amazon and seeing a few recommendations on Instagram I think one of the steaming boards is going to be a great pick up as it means I can steam my clothes much easier and also not have to worry about ruining my door anymore than it already has been. 

So there you go those are the items currently making up my accessories and care items wish list. Now the spare room is sorted it is time I started adding these items and making the space into what it was originally going to be for. 

Now let's see what gets added first... 

If I won the lottery I wouldn't tell anyone but there would be signs

 'If I won the lottery or came into money I wouldn't tell anyone but there would be signs', this is something I have seen floating around on TikTok & Instagram lately and honestly it has got me thinking... if either of those things happened to me I certainly wouldn't go around telling everyone but I would slowly make changes to my life that have previously been on the back burner due to the money I currently have. There would certainly be signs in all aspects of my life some big and some small and here are what those signs would be...


In terms of general life this is where quite a few things would change. Life is something I have wanted to switch up for a while but I don't have a magic money tree. If I came into money or won the lottery here are some things in life that would change...

Jobs in the house would finally be done

We have been in the house 6 years now and the progress has been slow which is starting to annoy me now. If I came into money then the first thing I would do is get people in to do the hallway, all downstairs and the kitchen. I would also get the driveway, trees and gates sorted too just to make the house look nicer on the outside as well as on the inside. Doing the house room by room we have seen just how quickly costs start to rack up so a big lump some to get it all done would be the dream.

Go on more holidays

For the past few years our money has been going on the house so we haven't managed to get on as many holidays as we would probably have wished for however, if the money came in then I would make sure we took full advantage and went on more holidays, granted they would be stay-cations as we wouldn't leave the dog but visiting different parts of the UK sounds perfect to me. 

More date nights

There would definitely be more date nights thrown into the mix, nice restaurants, theatre trips, concerts you name it. Me and Liam would definitely enjoy spending more time together so this would be a big priority. To be honest we need to start doing this already, maybe put some money to one side each month and take it from there. It is about time I started treating him more often.

New tech

You bet if I got some extra money I would be straight to the Apple store to get myself a new iPad and some Air-pods which have been on my wish list forever. These would be super useful and I could even get the Mac for content I have had my eye on. There would also be new gaming PC's brought in for me and Liam and new accessories to go with them.

New car

I guess everyone has a dream car? Well I have two a Jeep Wrangler or a Defender. If I suddenly came into money I would definitely make sure I had enough to purchase one of these i just don't know which one it would end up being. These cars have been on the vision board for a long time, a girl can dream right? 


In terms of fashion this is where I can really play about if I came into money and I could build the wardrobe I have always dreamt of. I am slowly finding my own style and finding ways to be more me through the clothing I wear. If the money came rolling in here is what would be more noticeable...

A better wardrobe 

If I had more money a wardrobe upgrade would 100% be taking place. I would head out to get those items I have always wanted but not got around to getting due to their cost. A Ralph Lauren trip would be on the cards and then I would spend time shopping around for those perfect pieces for my wardrobe. I would be looking a lot smarter and more put together that is for sure.

A better footwear rotation

I wouldn't be wearing the same beat up sneakers day in day out that is for sure. I would make sure I always had some crisp white sneakers on the go, some smart sneakers, smart shoes and various boots to mix up what I wear with each outfit. There would be no more throwing on any random pair and thought will go into purchases rather than following trends.

A better fragrance rotation

Any extra money would definitely be put towards upgrading my fragrance rotation as there are so many different fragrances out there that I would love to get my hands on however, they just cost so much money these days. Tom Ford would definitely being added back in the rotation but I would also love to try some fragrances from brands I haven't previously tried.

Better skincare

Just like with the fragrances, there are so many skincare products I want to add into my rotation and try at long last however, the price has always been off putting. I would love to have a much needed upgrade in the skincare department with brands that I have always wanted to try out. The likes of Origin & Kiehl's would definitely be being purchased.

Better accessories

If the money came in my watch collection would definitely grow with a mixture of brands but I would also make sure I was upgrading my jewellery too because there is no point having a nice watch next to a cheap bracelet is there? All my accessories would get an upgrade right down to the belts I wear on a day to day basis. 

There you have it the trend really did get me thinking and honestly these are the ways that people would notice if I won the lottery or came into money, the changes wouldn't be noticeable right away but they would definitely happen over time. 

What would you change if you won the lottery or came into money?

June 2024 Goals


Well I think I can honestly say May didn't really go to plan, in fact it was a bit chaotic in the end and nearly everything I intended to do got put on the back burner. I am determined though that this isn't going to be the case in June as I am hoping there is a bit of a slower pace throughout the month with only a little bit of football and scheduled events thrown into the mix. Knowing that I have a few things coming up in June I have tried to be more realistic with the goals I am setting for myself so that when it comes to wrapping the month up it is more positive than negative & I feel like I have a good month overall. 

So here are those goals I have set for myself...


Declutter my coats, hoodies & shoes

Currently our house is full of coats, hoodies & shoes we don't use and it is getting to the point where it is stressing me out as it just makes the house look a mess and it is overwhelming when picking different items to wear. The plan is to really reduce the number of each item to only those bits I actually wear quite often or what I want to start wearing. This will help getting ready become less stressful however, it will also help when it comes to us redoing the hallway too as the declutter will have already taken place and we will know just what kind of organisation system we require. 

Put more time into planning outfits

At the moment I am still just throwing any old clothing on and not really caring what I look like however, I am determined to change this in June. I want to spend time on a weekend planning out outfits for the upcoming week and actually think about the pieces I am putting together. This will be made easier by me completing a goal I will talk about later on in the post so let's hope that it all falls into place. I have a funny feeling though that I will be planning a lot of football themed outfits with the upcoming Euro's.

Rotate the footwear I am wearing daily

I am getting a little better at this as I am slowly stepping away from the beaten shoes however, I am still finding myself picking the easy option that is laying around for weeks at a time rather than picking a shoe that fits my outfit better. If I declutter my footwear as I mentioned in the first goal this will be so much easier to do as I will know exactly what footwear I have for each occasion. I guess this should motivate me to get that declutter done asap. 

Make sure I am adding accessories to my outfits

An accessory can help elevate an outfit and I know this, so why haven't I been doing it? I have been so lazy lately with outfits and to be honest a lot of my accessories are still packed away from doing the bedroom and spare room. The plan now though is to go through all my accessories and get them all laid out so I can get rid of any I don't wear and create an area where I can just reach for what I need based on the outfit I am opting to wear. Whether is is jewellery, glasses or a hat it is time to start adding accessories every day now.

Make a start on sorting out my summer wardrobe

I actually have a summer wish list post coming out in a few weeks so keep an eye on the site for that, the plan for June though is to pick up a few bits to add to my summer wardrobe so I aren't struggling for outfits if the weather suddenly decides to warm up. Luckily a lot of the spring items I have purchased will work for summer too however, there are a few more little bits I would like to add but not that many for once.


Hit the 1 stone lost mark

To be honest I am not focusing on the number on the scales too much lately as I am seeing my shape change daily however, I would absolutely love it if I could see myself hit a stone lost in the month of June. I am not actually that far away from achieving this so fingers crossed I can make it happen. 

Complete the Total Warrior course

Last year I stupidly signed up to do this years Total Warrior and I honestly think I totally underestimated what I was letting myself in for. The course is over a 12 Km distance with some very tough looking obstacles thrown into the mix. I am hoping I can somehow drag myself around this course and show myself I can do it if I put my mind to it.

Push on with the Couch to 5k 

Yes I did just say I am doing a 12 Km Total Warrior but I actually can't do a 5 Km run at the moment. We started doing the Couch to 5k towards the end of May so the plan for June is to continue pushing through the different weeks so I am making my way to running a consistent 5k without having to stop.

Start saving for a treadmill

The home gym is complete for the time being however, I really do feel like it is missing a treadmill. The plan for June is to start putting some money to one side so I can finally add one of these into the space which I guess will also help my running journey as I can go on that indoors instead of running on a road if the weather takes a turn. I need to start looking around to see what treadmill I want to pick up so I know how much I need to save.

Use the home gym 3 times a week 

Now I have this space to workout in at home I am really hoping to step things up a gear in my journey rather than not getting on with things and making up pathetic excuses for not doing my sessions. The plan for June is to get out into the home gym 3 times a week to complete my two full body sessions and my mobility session that is on my programme. 


Have one date night as a minimum

With a pretty busy month coming up I want to make sure that me and Liam are still having some time together. I am trying to work on a little crazy golf date night for the two of us in June however, a pizza night at home would also be perfect for us. If we can have more than one of these nights then it will be even better but we will see how the month goes.

Get out walking with the dog more

There is a lot less football on in June so I would love to get up early on a weekend and take the dog on some nice long walks before the weather gets too warm for him. I actually really enjoy these long walks now so fingers crossed we can get a few planned in and visit a few different places for a change. 

Make some more progress on the back garden

In May we got a little bit of the back garden but thanks to the weather and being busy we didn't do as much as we would like. The plan in June though is to spend some evenings after work just getting on top of this and getting it perfect for when it does finally does start to warm up. There is a fair bit to do in here but I am hopeful we can get it done throughout the month of June. 

Start decluttering the dining room

The dining room has really become a dumping ground especially as we have gone around doing different jobs around the house but I am determined that in June it is all going to finally be decluttered. We don't need the empty Prime bottles or half the junk that has been left on the bookcases. The books will also be sorted through as we look to move those when the hallway has been redecorated but it is just about getting the room sorted at long last so it doesn't stress me out every time I look at it.

Declutter the hallway

I guess the by doing the coats, hoodies and shoes this will be half done as that is where they are stored & this is the messiest part of the hallway. Once this is decluttered the space should look loads better. We also have some bits in the hallway which need donating such as an old sofa bed so by decluttering that we will have plenty of space open up in here. There is also a set back bit that used to be a cupboard where we have just dumped items over the years so that plan is to remove everything out of there and get rid of as much as possible. Once this is all done we can finally get some quotes for getting this space redone at long last. Hopefully this wont be too big of a job and a few hours after work will get it sorted once and for all. 


Post daily on the TNG Instagram page

I am slowly getting back into creating content for TNG and to be honest I am starting to enjoy it once again so I am hoping that in June I can post a piece of content each day. If I manage to get the spare room redone in early June as I am hoping then I should be able to create this much easier however, we will see how things go with this. I am hopeful I will be able to manage this though.

Post more frequently on Edge of the Area's Instagram & Tik Tok accounts

Throughout last season I really slacked on content for Edge of the Area so I want to start building back up during this pre-season so I am back in people's minds before the new season begins. I have plenty of ideas for what I want to do in terms of content for June so it is just getting prepared and actually creating it and posting it. I have high hopes I can do this though. 

Post more frequently on the TNG blog

The consistency of blog posts has really dropped off so I am hoping that in June I can start to be a lot more consistent and actually post content rather than making notes and never doing anything with it. The plan is to post every weekday from the 4th June so let's see if I can actually stick to this. I definitely need to plan content evenings to keep on top of this and have everything ready to go, I am looking forward to seeing how things turn out by the end of the month hopefully we can see some growth. 

Get the TNG Games website up and running again

The month is all about being productive and getting things moving in the right direction once more. I don't remember the last time I posted on the TNG Games website but again I have so many ideas of what to post and a lot are in the notes stage. The plan is to get the notes typed into actual posts and finally get some content on the website again. Who knows some growth might come with it too.

Get the TNG Games Instagram & Tik Tok's back underway

The TNG Games social media has been neglected more than any other accounts so I am determined to get a few posts up each week in June just so that I can start to become visible again and hopefully get some new blog readers. Again I have all the plans here ready to go but I guess only time will tell if I manage to pull this off.

There you have it those are my goals for the month of June, I am looking forward to seeing just how productive I can make the month and let's hope that by the time it comes to doing my wrap up post at the end of the month there are plenty of bits ticked off as complete and that the month sets me up for a bit more of a relaxed July but I guess only time will tell. 

Now it is time to get cracking on with bits that will help me actually achieve these goals...

Football is over for a few months so what is next...


I am always gutted when the football season ends as it takes up so much of my life August to May and although this season hasn't been best for any of my teams I am still gutted that the season is over with as I am never sure what to do with all the free time the off season brings. The off season brings plenty of free time as I am not going to games on Saturday's or Sunday's plus there is no football on the TV so with nothing on the TV I find I am much more productive as my nights aren't ruled around what games are going to be on that evening. 

The plan this off season is to be as productive as I can before Bradford City kick start their season in August. Granted I might end up going to a few friendlies for City and there is the Euro's taking place plus I will still be playing in a few friendlies for my own team however, in the grand scheme of things football is going to be on the back burner and I am planning on getting other things done instead. So here is the plan for whilst there are no football distractions...

Declutter the house

The house is far too cluttered at the moment and we have let standards slip so the plan is to go round room by room and fully declutter and deep clean them. There is no need for them to be in the state they are currently in so by getting all this done I think it is going to make the house a much less stressful place to be in and might help us relax a bit more. This is going to be easy in some rooms but a bit harder in others so let's see how it goes.

Get bigger jobs done

The spare room is another big job that is nearly complete so the plan is to do the final bits of this and finally have the home office area I have always wished for. Once the spare room is done I want to try get the back garden done and possibly even the side and front garden's done. The main priority though is the back garden as I want to be able to enjoy my time out here in the nicer weather.

Enjoy some family time

I want to spend plenty of time with family during this off season whether it is with my nephew or just Liam & the dog, I am determined there will be plenty of adventures before the season is up and running again. Whether it is days out or a few days away the plan is to spend time together before football once again takes over. 

Date nights

Alongside that family time I am hoping that me and Liam can have a few date nights together before the season starts. So far I am hoping that we can go bowling, mini golf and even a few food themed night like Mexican nights or Pizza nights. It will be nice to spend some time just us for a change. 

Work on content

Throughout the season the content has been lacking on all my websites and social media channels so the plan in the off season is to have plenty of nights and weekends to get ahead of myself so that when the season comes around I have plenty of content there ready to press post on even when things get busy again. I want to get plenty of blog posts written & plenty of social media posts created so I don't feel like I am chasing my tail again and so that I am keeping up the consistency rather than not posting at all like I did during the season that has just ended.

So there we have it that is the plan for this off season let's hope that it does fall into place as I am really hopefully that the next few months are going to be more productive than stressful. I really need the time to just de-stress a bit and also work on things whilst I aren't backwards and forwards to games.

Let's see how this plays out...

It is finally time to start on the spare room...


Here we go we have another project to throw into the mix of an already chaotic start to 2024. We have done the bedroom, had patio doors fit and even got the home gym up and running but now it is time for the part I am most looking forward to... the spare room. This is a room I spend a lot of time in but is currently very chaotic so I can't wait to get it restarted as a much calmer space to basically live in as I spend so much time in there. This room is going to be made into a bit of a hybrid room to suit all occasions and this will be done by splitting it in 2, basically down the middle. There will be clothing and sneakers on one side then football & content creating zones on the other.

I want this room to be a pretty dark room and have done for a while so the plan is to go for dark green on the walls, this has been the colour choice for a long time so I can't wait to see this finally come to life. The woodwork will still be white to make it a little lighter in the room overall but I am looking forward to seeing how it looks when all painted. As the room is a bit darker I am planning on a better light fitting being added so that when it comes to creating content I can brighten up the room a bit more just by having a more exposed bulb. The grey blind is also going as I get rid of the grey at long last and try find a suitable replacement that matches the scheme a bit better.

Now onto the fun part and one of the sides that is going to be the most used.. the football & work side. This side is going to consist of the wall where the door is which isn't very big and then a nice long wall with plenty of space although a bulky stair head does take up a bit of space but more on that shortly. On the small wall right behind the door I will be putting a nice new full length mirror which I am yet to find for those fit pics etc. Above the mirror and along the rest of the small wall I am going to have various shelves up for a mix of things, one may be filled with collectibles, one will have my record player & some records on and one will definitely be filled with Lego that I am still to build. I am not 100% sure how many shelves I will be able to fit in this area however, I am really hoping I can get a minimum of 4 on here. Under the shelves will be that quite bulky stair head but I am going to utilize this rather than filling it with junk like I currently do. On here I will be having my printer and a few other little bits that I may not have other homes for so we shall see what ends up on there in the end, all I know is I am not filling it with junk. 

Next to the stair head I am just putting my old desk back in as there is nothing wrong with it and thanks to its size it is great for using for content creating and working at, I will definitely be getting a new chair for this though as my current one is not comfortable at all. Above the desk I am going to place a few framed football shirts that are special ones however, I need to sort the height out for this as I want to keep the space above the desk clear so that there is a bit of blank space for some of the content creating I do on the desk. Next to the desk is where things are going to change a bit, I have the 8 hole Kallax unit which is currently on its side however, I am going to move this next to the desk with it stood up. This Kallax is going to be filled with my football shirts as it always has been but I will also be adding some memorabilia to here. This is another spot which always looks a mess currently so I am thinking of moving my less worn shirts into some storage baskets to make it look a little tidier. Some of the holes with baskets in will also have some work bits in such as notebooks, paperwork, bits for the printer however, there won't be loads in here as I am planning on moving some bits into the games room where I have some blogging things near my main PC, I just need to hurry up and get the Kallax built in the games room too so I can move things across. I will be doing a declutter of this Kallax before it goes back into the spare room though so a lot of things may even end up in storage or the bin which is much needed to be honest.

Over on the other side of the room it is going to be a bit of a dressing room to make getting ready on a morning a whole lot easier and so that everything finally has its own home. My trusty Alex drawers will be being moved over to this side and they are going to be fully decluttered to get rid of all the junk that is filling them at long last. Instead of junk these drawers will now be filled with hair care bits and accessories which haven't fit into the wardrobe. There might be some hats in here and any candle overflows but we shall see what ends up going in there when it is finally moved back into the room once it is complete. At the side of the Alex drawers I am going to put a nice wall mounted clothes rail which will be to hold my outfits of the week and possibly any new in pieces that I need to keep for creating any content. Again though the plan is to make sure this rail doesn't get too cluttered as I want to keep this room as tidy as possible. Under the rail will be a nice little shoe rack with just a few pairs on that are in the current rotation so they can be quickly grabbed each day.

I would really love to add one of the IKEA Lack shelves to this room for some of my all time favourite sneakers but as it stands I am not sure if there will be space for it so we will have to wait and see once everything is moved back in as it could possibly squeeze in near the window. 

So that is the biggest part of the work all planned out but of course along with the big work there are those little finishing touches and lets just say there are plenty of finishing touches that I have in mind already. So here are those finishing touches I would love to add to the room...

New Chair

As I said earlier I am now looking at picking up a new chair for this room. I wasn't going to however, the current chair just isn't comfortable and as I spend so much time in here I want something that I am going to be comfy in even if I am sat for a few hours. I have fallen in love with this brown one from Amazon as the style is fantastic and it looks quite comfortable. The price isn't too bad either so maybe once the room is all put back together this will be by the desk. 

Byredo Biblotechque Candle

I have had my eye on one of these candles for a while now but have been previously been put off by the price of them.I think redoing this room is the perfect time to add the candle into the home though as what is better than a new candle in a new room. I already have the perfect spot in mind for this and can't wait to get it ordered. 

Reed Diffuser

The plan is to have this room smelling as good as possible all year round so a nice smelling reed diffuser is going to be a great addition. With me doing the room in the next few weeks I want to pick up a diffuser that has a summery scent however, as the year goes on I will be changing this to fit the seasons and honestly I can't wait to go shop around for options.

Sneaker Books

The plan is to have one or two sneaker books on the top of the Alex drawers on the dressing room side of things just to add a bit of decor to the room. I have had my eye on the specific book in the picture for a long time now as I think it is definitely time it came into our home. I am looking forward to sitting and flicking through this one. 

New Record Player

As time goes on if I am getting plenty of use out of my current record player I might have a look into getting myself an upgrade however, this is definitely going to be something for the future and not straight away as I want to do my research before buying anything. I just need to make sure I am getting the use out of my current one first too. 

I am sure there will be more added to this list as we start to put the room back together but for now these are the pieces I am most looking forward to picking up and bringing into the room. Who else knows what might end up coming into this space but all I can say for now is I am excited to see how this room finally starts shape. It is a long overdue project to finally get this room suited to my needs and fingers crossed this room will be nice and cosy for me to spend plenty of time in working on content or getting ready.  

There is definitely a fair bit of work to take place in here but I really can't wait to get started, first up is finally decluttering the room...

Getting Fit For Football Week 7 Wrap Up


Well after a lack of updates here we are at week 6 of the get fit for football series and things are finally starting to take shape. We are finally seeing the mental improvements alongside the scales finally showing a change in the right direction. Week 6 started off so well however, towards the end of the week things changed pace and I started to drop of the pace which is a bit frustrating as the weeks stats could have been a whole lot better if I kept up the same as the start of the week.

So here are the stats for the week...

Previous weeks weight 100.4 kg

Week 2 weight 99.8 kg

Difference     - 0.6 kg

It might not be a full kg down but finally I am under that 100 kg mark but more on that later. To say how badly Wednesday to Saturday went I am pleased with this loss as I 100% expected to see a gain on the scale. I am hoping that seeing this drop is going to motivate me even further to reach that next mini goal as soon as possible. It just goes to show a mix of a week can still show the results. Now it is time to get back on track though and have a full week the same way I started week 6, I am sure that will bring some results in the right direction.  

 There were a few highs in the week but not half as many as I would have hoped for. The first high definitely has to be getting under that 100 kg mark, this is something I have wanted to do for a long time now and finally the time has come. As we approached the end of the week I really didn't think I would be able to hit this so to weigh in and see those scales say 99.8 kg was brilliant. Now I just need to keep it off and push towards the next mini goal I have set myself. 

Another high for the week is definitely the fact I managed to play a full 50 minute game of football. I am used to doing about 12 minutes then coming off for a bit before going back on for a bit longer however, I managed to do the full 50 minutes this time around and I am certainly proud of that. Granted as the game progressed my tracking back declined due to very heavy legs however, they managed to carry me through the full game and even my chest seemed to hold out which was a bit of a surprise, I did manage to get my inhaler during a few breaks in play but I did do better than I expected in that area too as I thought my chest would mean I had to sit out for a bit. 

As with every journey I also suffered a few lows in the week one of which was going off track with my food. I was smashing it at one point, having nutritious meals but then I was offered a different lunch at work and things went down hill from there as I started to eat out a lot more and although I stuck within my calories I just wasn't fueling my body correctly and the food choices weren't as beneficial as others would be, I definitely need to work on resisting the temptation and sticking to the planned meals. 

My workouts didn't go to plan either as I didn't get to my weight lifting class and missed a full body session due to not being 100%. I am a bit disappointed that I missed these however, I know that the rest will be more beneficial for me in the long run and if I am not feeling well I shouldn't push myself too far like I have previously done. 

Mentally I am noticing a bit of a difference within myself, I have felt a lot more positive throughout the week even when things weren't really going to plan. I also feel like I am a little less bloated than I have been in recent weeks which is certainly a difference. 

Now looking ahead to the new week, I want to be prepared and ready to work towards that next mini goal. That is why Monday is going to be a rest day as my legs are still heavy from football Sunday and a rest day is certainly needed. Tuesday will be football training which I am already looking forward to. Wednesday is going to be a full body session then Thursday is going to be that weight lifting class. Friday will be another full body session whilst Saturday will either be a rest day or the start of my couch to 5k journey. The week will finally end with another football match if all goes to plan. If all these workouts take place we should be on track for another good week. 

As always with a new week comes new goals and here are my goals for the week...

- Do a food shop 

- Attend football training

- Play a football match (if it goes ahead) 

- 2 full body sessions

- Attend the weight lifting session

- 8,000 steps a day

- Minimum of 2 meals out

If all these goals are complete I am sure that the scales will be showing a number in the right direction and towards that 15 kg goal overall. These goals will also help me push on that ultimate fitness goal which is definitely going to help me through those football games in future as one full game was a struggle but I managed it. Just imagine what games will be like when that fitness falls into place. I can't wait to see what week 7 holds for me...

Start weight 100.8 kg

Weight now 99.8 kg 

Lost so far  - 1 kg

Still to go for goal of 15 kg : 14 kg

Check back next week to see how week 7 went let's hope for another good week where a lot more goals have been ticked off...

Spring 2024 wish list

The weather is slowly starting to change and it is making me realise that my is desperately in need of an upgrade. I am really trying to add what I really need as I am on my weight loss journey however, there are now gaps starting to appear especially as my style is slowly changing. The plan is to add the essentials that are going to be super handy in spring and can be carried forward into the summer so I am getting my money worth out of each item. I will also only be adding bits that go with the new style I am opting for to ensure I am not buying pieces that are going to sit with the tags on for far too long. So here are those pieces that make up my spring wish list...


Vest Tops

It is going to be a layering season for me with vest tops underneath open shirts so I want to make sure that I have plenty of options to rotate through. I already have a few in my wardrobe but to ensure I am covered for all basis I want to a few different styles to be able to rotate between.

Striped T-Shirts

I only have plain or graphic t-shirts in my rotation at the moment and to be honest I am sick of only having those options. Some striped t-shirts would be a great addition to the spring wardrobe as they could be worn with a variety of other pieces I already own and will just be a nice change to wear. I think some nice neutral colours would work perfectly for me and work well going into summer too.

Striped Shirts

I absolutely love a good striped shirt and I have a few in my wardrobe already however, I can never have enough so this spring I would love to add a few more into my wardrobe. I have a lot of blue ones but now I think it is time to add a few different colours and materials into my rotation. These are great as we go into the summer too so I would definitely get my money worth. 


Instagram has made me want a cardigan, something I never thought I would want. The more I see them the more I realise they will suit my new style a whole lot more than my current tracksuit jackets. I am thinking a nice grey one that is a little thicker to get me started and seeing how I get on with it before possibly adding more into the wardrobe.

Rain Coat

As I keep on saying my style is changing and the coats I own don't really flatter that change. The only two I have at the moment are a Gymshark one and a Nike one so that plan is to get a nice smart looking rain coat that isn't going to ruin how my outfits look. I have seen a few options mainly in New Look and Primark so I think I will have a shop around and see what I can find that suits it best.

Grey Trousers

I am still on the hunt for some grey trousers and I am determined that this Spring I will finally have some to wear. I have actually found my ideal pair in Primark however, they never have them in my size so I am going to keep on shopping around just in case another pair catches my eye. 


Low White Converse

I have just added the hi-top version into my rotation so now the plan is to add the low version as an alternative. I used to love wearing my low Converse however, I haven't really had an option for a while so I think it is about time I bit the bullet and got the classic white pair. 

Vans Old Skool

I could really do with upgrading my Van's this spring as my current pair are a little worse for wear now. These have been a staple for me for a while now but I started to wear them for my lifting classes at the gym so they aren't in the best of conditions. A new pair would be great though as they really do go with anything in my wardrobe and I know I definitely get my wear out of them. 

Birkenstock mules

The more I see these the more I fall in love with them. I think they would be perfect just to through on to nip to the shop or quickly walk the dog. However, they look like they would be fun to style too so the possibilities are endless. The Birkenstock ones are pretty pricey so I think until I know I would get my wear out of them I would opt for a cheaper dupe.

White sneakers

It is time, I need to pick up a new pair of all white sneakers. I have been putting this task off as I can't find the perfect pair and with the cost I want to make sure I am only buying what I really want and that I am going to get the wear out of. So far I have narrowed it down to a few Nike options so let's hope this spring these come off the wish list and are finally purchased. 


Baseball caps

Now my hair is growing out I am finding that caps suit me that little bit more so I want to pick up a few this spring. At the moment all the ones I have are more sporty so the plan is to pick up some smarter more plain ones to add to the rotation just to give me options based on the outfits I am wearing throughout the season.


Do I need another pair of sunglasses? Definitely not. However, it isn't spring/summer for me without purchasing a new pair of sunglasses so these are right there on the wish list. I tend to just pick up my sunglasses from Primark although this year I am thinking of getting a pair that is a bit more expensive or simply replacing my Ray Bans which are getting a bit worse for wear now. 


I have said it before and I will say it again, my jewellery collection needs some new additions and what better time to do it than for spring/summer where the jewellery can really make an outfit. I am thinking of adding some nice new silver rings and necklace into my collection for the warmer months as I feel they will really add to some of the outfits I have in mind. Let's see if I actually get around to it or not this time.


All my fragrances are still on the heavier side so it is time to change that I think. The hope is to pick up something a bit lighter that matches the spring & summer weather well, I just don't really know where to start as there are so many options out there. Fingers crossed I can find something though as it is about time I got a new fragrance.


It is about time I purchased a bag as my pockets just aren't cutting it for everything I need to carry these days. I am thinking a nice black cross body bag might do the trick and it will be reserved for days out. Then another cheap one for dog walks so I aren't getting my day to day one ruined. Now I just need to see if I prefer a men's or women's one, I think plenty of shopping around will be taking place.

It is about time I started actually purchasing pieces off this list rather than just wishing I owned them as each piece will certainly help elevate the spring outfits. There are a fair few bits on this list however, I am quite pleased that there aren't as many as there usually is plus a lot of these will roll into summer which is even better as I am definitely going to get my money worth out of them. 

For now though I can't wait to start adding these pieces to my wardrobe but which do I get first...

April 2024 Goals

Here we go somehow we are already in April. I have to admit that 2024 has been a bit hit and miss for me so far however, I am determined to make April a fantastic month as I re-evaluate where I am at and where I am wanting to push to be come the end of the year. I have decided that April is going to be all about putting building blocks in place to start being consistent in the hopes of it helping me towards those goals, April is also going to be super productive in starting to make progress on jobs that have been hanging around waiting to be completed for far too long. So here is a look at my goals for the month of April... 


Add to the spring wardrobe

My wardrobe is finally starting to change shape and the recent decluttering is really starting to help me out as more and more options that suit the style I am aiming for are being added to my wardrobe. That being said there are a few bits that I could do with adding for spring as a lot of items are starting to lose their shape or are more suited to the colder weather. There won't be loads added to the spring wardrobe though as I am still wanting to limit the purchases I make as I am hoping items wont last me too long due to my weight loss journey. 

Add to the spring footwear rotation

My footwear that I actually wear is all looking worse for wear so the plan is to add some nice new pairs into the rotation for spring. I am hoping to pick up some more white sneakers for the spring weather as these are my go to that go with 99% of my wardrobe. I would also love to pick up some different styles of footwear too that just change things up a bit.

Sort out the accessories I own 

I currently have different accessories dotted in every room of the house however, I think now is the time to get everything in one place or at least in a home of their own. All my hats and scarves need a good declutter and putting in their place in the hallway with my baseball caps going into the spare room. Then my jewellery and sunglasses all need moving into our new wardrobes so they can be grabbed at the same time as outfits are picked out. Having everything in its own home at long last is going to be brilliant.

Sort out my seasonal clothing

Whilst one goal is to add to my spring wardrobe, another one is to actually sort through the spring clothing I already own. I have a black bag at the minute filled with seasonal clothing so the plan is to go through that and dig out all the spring appropriate items whilst putting my more winter suited clothes into storage, which will be being upgraded from a black bag to an actual storage bag.

Declutter the shoes

I still haven't got around to sorting out all the footwear I own but as I am going to need access to move all the home gym equipment out of the house this month I need to make and that space has to be made by moving all the shoes out of the way so what better time to start clearing out. This job should only be an hour or so which means there is really no excuse to not do it.


Start on the home gym build

We have now ordered the building for the home gym and that should arrive early April so fingers crossed by the end of the month that will be close to operational. I honestly don't think it will be fully complete as some equipment will still require being purchased and the electrics will probably still need sorting too. If the building can be up and flooring down with most equipment in though I will be happy as I can start to use it.

Start sorting the back garden out

Now the patio doors are in I am planning on getting through as many jobs as I can. The main one though is getting the back garden in a state which we can use it. I am hoping that in April I can get the decking, fence and furniture jet washed and then clean up the grass area before painting the decking and fence if we have a rare dry day. I would love to fully complete this garden by the end of the month but with us needing some woodwork doing I guess we shall wait and see. It will be an added bonus if I get it sorted so the ice bath can finally be put out and used. 

Declutter the bathroom shelves

The bathroom shelves still haven't been sorted which is driving me mad however, I just haven't had the time to get to do it. There are so many products taking up space though that have either gone off or I am never going to use so it is about time. I started to make space for those products I do actually use.  Once these are done the bathroom is going to look so much better, I really should stop delaying the process.

Have 1 date night (minimum) 

Me and Liam haven't spent as much time together as we would have liked recently so I am making the effort to have at least one night where there is no phones etc and we just enjoy time together, it might be playing games together or even make your own pizza night. It will just be nice to have that time together. 

Deep clean the games room

The games room has become a dumping ground since we started doing different projects around the house however, I really want to get everything that shouldn't be in there out and get some space back. I would love to say that this is so I can start using the games room again however, it will soon be back to a dumping ground as we are hoping to start on the spare room/office in the next month or so. At least if there is space we have somewhere to put everything as that room gets done.


Lose 3.1 kg

3.1 kg is a lot to ask from myself however, I know that I am more than capable of achieving this with a bit of consistency. My start weight for the beginning of April was 103.1 kg so the 3.1 kg loss would take me to the 100 kg mark which is a bit more than I would like to be at by the end of April but would put me in a great start position going into May. It is time to get the food choices back on track. 

Attend 3 lifting sessions

I couldn't attend the first lifting session of the month due to work going on at home however, I am determined to hit every other session throughout the month. I know that these sessions are really going to help me on my weight loss journey so I need to make sure I am committing to those sessions and not skipping them. 

Use the spin bike 3 times a week 

I now have access to the bike at long last so the plan is to actually get some use out of it. If I could just do 30 mins to an hour on this 3 times a week I should see a big difference on my journey and it should also help towards making a difference fitness wise. It is definitely going to help me keep my legs moving again and stop them seizing up so fingers crossed I can stick to this. 

1 Long walk a week

Now this is one I really want to stick to as not only does it benefit me, it also benefits the dog. I am loving it when we manage to get on the longer dog walks so the aim for 1 a week is going to be great and hopefully we can get to different places this time and not just stick to the 1 usual place. The best part is these walks tire the dog out a lot so when we get back we can get on with jobs we have to do. 

Buy new lifting shoes

With me planning on attending more weight lifting classes I want to make sure I am wearing wearing more suitable footwear. My Vans are decent for it however, they are slowly becoming destroyed so it is time for an upgrade. I have had my eyes on a few different pairs so let's see which I end up picked up, all I know is a pair is definitely being added in April. 


Post to the fitness Instagram 3 times a week 

I am determined that April is going to be the month where I put more effort into my fitness page and see a bit of growth so I know that building up a bit of consistency by posting multiple times a week is going to be key, plus if I do the 3 times a week the habit will be there and I can start working towards posting daily once more and hopefully I will end up with some better ideas coming to mind for what to create. 

Start to grow the Tik Tok account

I have started to post on Tik Tok at long last and have a few ideas of other content I want to post on the account so I want to use April to work on those ideas and see things take shape and see the posts start to increase. I actually can't wait to get started on this one so fingers crossed it all goes to plan. 

Post 3 times a week on the Edge of the Area Tik Tok 

The Edge of the Area Tik Tok is the one that I am most active on however, I dropped off with the posts in March. I am determined that in April though I am going to be posting a whole lot more often with a variety of content not just sticker openings. 

Plan out May content for all my accounts 

By the end of April I want to have all May's content mapped out for all my Instagram accounts, websites and Tik Tok accounts. This will just take any guess work out of May and mean I can just get on with creating rather than wondering what to work on next. If I can get some of May's bits created in April that would be even better. 

Be more active on Instagram stories

I have been slacking on Instagram lately, so the plan is to make sure in April I am posting at least one story every day on each account just to show I am still there and haven't forgotten about the account. There are plenty of ideas I could put on the stories so there is no reason to not just pop on and post something quickly. 

So there you have it those are my goals for the month of April. I am really hoping it can be a productive month where in the wrap up I am saying how well everything went. With a lot of time off in April there really is no reason for not getting through a whole lot of these goals. It is time to get the house in order and find homes for everything at long last.