The theme lately has been all about change and with a new chapter opening in September it is only right we carry on talking about this topic and discuss some other things that will be changing. Along with changing my style I am also planning on changing things I do and also what I buy. I feel like I am just realising now that previously I have been coasting through life but now as new chapters begin it is time to dial in and make them changes to really improve my life all round. So here are some of the things I am going to be stopping doing...
Throughout various aspects of my life there are a few things I want to change and I know that by stopping doing these things things will certainly change my life in various ways. Nothing is really a major change either so there is no reason these things can't happen sooner rather than later.
Saying yes to everything with family
I am a sucker for just dropping plans to nip out with my family for a few hours after work but looking at it now it is meaning I have less time wit Liam, jobs around the house aren't taking place and I am not having the time I would like to have to work on content. Granted I won't always be stopping saying yes, every now and again a bit of extra family time is needed but if I want to really make a go of my content once again I know those unplanned nights need to be cut right back. It is time to focus and keep those nights as planned.
Stop neglecting my health journey
Things started off so well with my weight loss & fitness journey but then things took a turn and somehow the journey just came to a halt and I started going backwards rather than progressing. I will 100% be stopping neglecting my journey and making it one of my most important things by focusing on the foods I eat and making sure I am moving a lot more. If I plan to work my 9-5 and then go home and work on content a lot of my day will be spent sat down so the plan is to stop being lazy and get up early to have a good breakfast and prep my meals for the rest of the day. Once this is done it will be all about planning my day ensuring I am adding walks into my day and 1 hour of exercise there is no excuse for not having 1 hour a day to work on my fitness. By planning and stopping neglecting my journey I feel like I could make some serious progress for the rest of 2024 and maybe even hit my big goal in 2025 but I guess we will see if it will all go to plan over time.
Stop paying too much attention to other peoples opinions
This one is a big one that I need to stop doing as it is having such a negative impact on me overall. It is no secret I am wanting to change my style and dress how I want to however, I am constantly letting other peoples opinions delay this process. I am listening to peoples comments on my style and size and it is really wearing me down in all honesty. The plan is for me to learn ways to block the negativity out and start to focus on myself and my own opinions for a change. At the end of the day if I am comfortable and confident in clothing then that is all that should matter to me and as for my size well I have just mentioned how my fitness journey is going to be a priority going forward.
Stop procrastinating
I am a procrastinator that is for sure and I will do anything but work on the task at hand and then the procrastinating turns into negitivity as I feel like I have let myself down. The plan going forward is to work on my procrastination and turn it into productivity. So many content ideas get neglected due to the procrastinating and other projects I have in mind so the plan now is to get rid of the procrastination and smash on with working towards to life I want to live and get done all those ideas that have just been sat there.
Style & beauty
In terms of the style and beauty aspect of my life there are plenty of things I need to stop doing that will help me finally achieve the style I am wanting in life and finally look like I am put together rather than everything being all over the place like it currently is.
Stop rushing to get ready
This is a big one at the moment as I am giving myself about half an hour to get out of the door and it is just not working as my outfits look terrible and my skin and hair are definitely not benefiting from it. I need to stop rushing and designating time on a Sunday to get all my outfits for the week sorted so I know exactly what I am wearing and when the outfit is required for. I also need to set aside over an hour to get showered do a skin care routine and hair routine to make sure I am going out the door looking my best for a change.
Stop buying everything men's
Now sometimes an item from the men's department may work for me but I don't need every item to be from the men's section like it currently is. These items really won't suit my new style so I just need to stop heading to that department and look for female alternatives instead. This goes for footwear too as the men's options are a bit too bulky for what I require. There is also toiletries the scents just don't do it for me and the skincare is not suitable for me so it is time to step away and get bits from the women's section instead.
Stop following trends
The style I want to go for is more smart and totally opposite so I need to not get sucked in to buying trends which don't fit what sort of outfit I am going for. The trends like baggy jeans which I got sucked into and I barely wear as I don't want that sort of style, or the printed t-shirts that I actually used to love but aren't that much of a fan of currently. It is time to stop following trends and start dressing how I want for a change not like everyone else dresses.
So we have just spoken about the things I need to stop doing but there are also plenty of things I need to stop doing as I am constantly wasting money which is becoming a bit of an issue as it means I am not putting the money to one side for the items I really do want or for those much needed jobs that need doing around the house. I really do need to become better with my finances and stop buying for the sake of it so here is what I am going to try stop buying...
Trainers I am never going to wear
Now this is a big one for me as I get pulled in by the hype of trainers, see them at a reasonable price and then buy them. They then end up just sat in a box as I don't want to ruin them and feel like I have wasted my money if they get destroyed which in reality I am wasting the money by not wearing them. The plan going forward is to only buy trainers I really like and I know I am going to wear.
Clothing with big logos
I am over the days of the graphic t-shirts and big logos like Supreme etc. The plan going forward is to dress smarter and my clothing purchases need to reflect that so big logos and prints are out and small logos or plain items of clothing are in. The subtle look is something I want to opt for now and I know by eliminating those big logos and prints I will actually save money too as I won't be buying a few every time I go shopping.
Things I am never going to use
I know this may seem like a bit of a broad spectrum but I guess that is exactly what it is. There are so many things I buy whilst I am out and about for the sake of it and when I look around to things in packaging that I know I am never going to be bothered about I question why I got them in the first place and wonder just how much I could have saved the money instead. Buying for the sake of it is stopping now and I can only buy things if the are a need or have been on my shopping wish list for a while but more on that topic another day.
I just know if I can stop doing all these things mentioned my life will improve so much and if I stopped buying all the things mentioned my finances would allow me to do so much more so let's see if I can finally put all these things into practice and really change how life is and see what I can make of it.
Keep an eye on social media and here to see if these things do change or if things are going to be the same but I can honestly say 110% effort is going to be made to make sure things now change as I enter a new chapter in my life.
See you soon