Last Week #61

What a busy week I had last week, well it seemed busy even though it has been a mix of work and staying in the house just to get things done. Finally we seem to be getting somewhere in the spare room, the weekend has been spent in there seen as the football as cancelled. Fingers crossed we can get my dad round to help us get it all moving properly. The wardrobe is finally sorted with summer items going into storage and now we can actually see what we are picking out. In terms of blogging it has been an extremely busy week as I have launched my new football blog Edge of the area, where all future football posts are going to be so I have had the task of sorting content for the new blog as well as setting up all the relevant social media etc for it. Plus I have actually planned a lot of content for this blog too... I don't know what has happened to me lately I have just been feeling so productive. So here is what I have...

Been Watching : I finally did it, I finally watched the first 2 Descendant's films and found them absolutely amazing. Alongside that I have been watching a lot of YouTube specifically cleaning and planning videos, maybe that is where my motivation is coming from.

Been reading : I read a lot of blogs throughout the week and have been really enjoying having time to read them again.

Been listening to : I started off the week listening to Tegan and Sara, I finished it off listening to nothing but the Descendant's soundtrack.

Bought : I had been really good again last week and haven't bought anything, I do need to make a Lush and MyProtein haul soon though

Plans for this week : All I want to do this week is carry on being productive. Hopefully I can get the wallpaper fully off in the spare room &carry on posting on here as I have. Sunday we are going out for a family meal too.

So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?

See you soon

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