It Is So Good I Bought It Twice... Nike Tech Windrunner

Believe it or not but the only way I found out about this Nike Tech Wind runner hoodie was thanks to Tobin Heath, who posted an image on Instagram of her in it and it looked great. So when I was out and about shopping last year I kept my eye out for it. I finally found it in JD but it was a little too pricy for me, if I remember correctly it was around 80/90 pounds. But by chance one day I stumbled across it in the sale for £50 so of course I picked it up.

Since buying this it has become my go to jacket for those in between days, you know when the weather just doesn't know what it wants to do? The actually hoodie itself is quite thick but it really doesn't feel it. It has kept me warm in those cold days and has also helped keep me just right it those cooler days.

I don't often pick zip up hoodies but this one is definitely one I am glad I opted for. It looks great when it is undone, it even fits just right when zipped up which is something I usually struggle with. I usually have to size up in zip ups but with this surprisingly I had to size down and it fits really well and will definitely last me a while. Even the arms seem to fit quite well which for me and my short arms is quite an achievement. The length in the body is really nice too as it is quite long on me and it never seems to ride up like some hoodies I have had in the past.

The hoodie comes in a variety of colours too and I very nearly went for an olive green version of it but this light grey definitely goes with 90% of my wardrobe. It is perfect with my Jordan tracksuit bottoms and high tops but also goes really nice with my skinny jeans and my every day low trainers. I love this jacket so much I actually got a dark grey version with the Man City badge on for when I got to watch Man City Women play. 

As you can see from the image above when I zip the hoodie up to my collar bone line it gives the effect of the hoodie having a bit of a black contrast collar, however what is brilliant about this is that if I zip this all the way up that collar type part goes right up to my chin so my neck is kept nice and warm. It is great for when I have been in the cold for a while and just want some extra protection as with my hair been so short I definitely feel the cold on my neck. The hood also seems to have a little bit of a peak on it and honestly I do believe this is why I don't have rain running down my face when I wear this, instead it runs away from it. 

It is a brilliant hoodie to say how simple it looks, just grey with a bit of black but it is by far my favourite. I will definitely be wearing this for a few more years but I have found so many more I after on the Nike website and in Footlocker so it is safe to say I am hoping to find another bargain.

See you soon

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