August 2021 Fitness Update

Well that is August over and done with and in the case of my weight loss I am so glad it is as I have totally gone off track and reverted to my old ways in so many cases. August was a pretty busy month for me with me hardly been at home on an evening or a weekend which definitely through me off track as I was eating out rather than taking meals with me. I am actually happy August is done with as it means the weather is changing and life is bound to slow down once more as dark nights and bad weather sets in. Yes I am enjoying that things are going back to a bit of normality but it is time I learnt how to balance things. So with August being a bit of a let down of a month for me here is how it all went in terms of my goals... 

Lose 6lb

well this definitely wasn't the case and instead I had a huge increase in my weight which I aren't happy with at all. I wish I could say that I lost weight but my lifestyle getting crazier and other factors I will mention later on in the post just didn't allow for that and I need to learn to plan better. 

 Go on at least 1 walk a week
Well this didn't happen although I did go on a fair few walks towards the end of the month whilst I was away. Unfortunately I did something to my calf early on in the month and it just didn't feel right for a long time so I ended up taking it very easy so I  didn't do more damage. I really wish I could have walked more as those final few walks of the month were fantastic.

 Try consume less alcohol 
Well this one didn't happen at all and I drunk more than I did in July, I need to learn that just because I am out it doesn't mean I need a drink as that is my downfall. Maybe I should start making myself designated driver so I can't be tempted. Plus the weather didn't help as when it was warm I was tempted more for a nice cold cider or lager plus I took a liking to wine throughout the month. I really do need to sort this out though and I am sure the colder weather will help. 

 A lot less takeaways
Well this certainly didn't take place as I mentioned earlier. With me barely being home it was a case of ordering in ready for when we got home or picking up something whilst we was out which definitely did me no favours as I have felt awful for the majority of the month due to the amount of junk I was actually eating. I really do need to sort this habit out though and make a better choice at meal times. 

Try cook once a week
Although this didn't really happen due to how often I was out I did manage to cook a fair bit more than I usually would and to be honest it was nice making some different meals and not leaving it all down to poor Liam for a change. I am determined to do my fair share in the kitchen and get better with the meals I make. 

Make sure I am doing 3 x workouts a week
Another one that suffered due to my calf injury was how many workouts I did a week and honestly other than boxing I barely did any workouts as I didn't want to push the injury and delay how much I could do for even longer. I actually really miss working out multiple times a week so maybe it is time to start again. 

 Get back eating more fruit & veg
I did this and I didn't I guess as I was very hit and miss with it. I would either eat loads in a row or not eat any at all. This is definitely a thing I really need to work on over the rest of my journey as when I do get enough fruit and veg I feel so much better and more energized. 

 Keep going to football
I am actually pretty upset that I didn't get to do this throughout August, I was just really busy on the nights football was on then I got my injury so I actually never go there. That is about to change in September though as I am determined to go as much as possible as that first week back in July was fantastic and reminded me why I love the game so much. 

                                        So here is how my weight loss went for August...

Beginning of August weight : 15 stone 1 lb 

End of August weight : 15 stone 8 lb

Total loss for the month : +7 lb

So here are the goals I am making for myself to hopefully smash in August ...

-Go boxing at least 3 times in the month 
- Go to football at least twice 
- Lose 6lbs 
- Go for a long walk once a week
- Consume less alcohol 
- Try cook some different healthier meals
- Use the exercise bike a whole lot more

I am really not happy with how August went for me as I went totally off track and it is time to get back on with my journey properly and make sure I am looking after my body a whole lot more. Fingers crossed when I write this post at the end of September it is much more positive and I am finally getting back to how I was at the start of the year when it was going so much better. It is safe to say I have suffered a step back but it is time to get going again. 

Total loss for 2021 : - 3 lb 

Total loss since start of journey : - 9 lb

1 comment

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