2021 Fitness Goals


Well 2020 was a pretty good year for me on my weight loss and fitness journey. Yes the scales were up and down quite a bit but I found progress in other places. My knee and side hurt a lot less than previously. Alongside that I learnt that measurements were a great way of tracking my progress rather than focusing on what the scale said all the time. I even managed to fit into clothes that I haven't fit in for a while as I dropped a clothing size for my tops and bottoms which has definitely been a big bonus as I have been able to buy more when I go out shopping as places actually have my size. I don't want to just sit back and ruin all the progress I made though so I am hoping that 2021 is a year I step it up a gear and see more progress. So here are the fitness goals I am setting myself for 2021...

Drop another clothing size

I went from an XL in men's clothing to a Large, and in women's clothing I went from a size 20 to an 18 so to some it may not seem a lot but for me it was a pretty big change. I am hoping to at least drop 1 more clothing size in 2021 but if I can get 2 sizes down that would be fantastic but to make it realistic lets just stick to 1 size down for now. 

Work out more 

In 2020 I started working out quite a bit but to be honest it was a bit of a mix as I would either work out loads or not at all so in 2021 I want to work out more and more consistently. There is no point giving it my all for 2 weeks then sitting back for a month doing nothing. I saw plenty of progress in 2020 so if I stick to working out more and more consistently just imagine the results I could get. 

Start running 

This is something I have wanted to do for a while but I have delayed due to not wanting to go out alone and also due to worrying about my knee. I am hoping that 2021 could be the year where I end up finally putting on my trainers and taking up running. Mix this in with other workouts and I could hit my other goals sooner than expected. 

Drop into the 13 stone bracket 

This is a long shot but if I aim for my other goals I should make a lot of progress to this one. This was my aim for 2020 but I certainly fell short of it so if I can do this in 2021 that would be fantastic. This would mean I would be working to a 3 stone loss since the start of my journey in 2020. 

Make better food choices 

I started to do well with this at the start of 2020 but then I started to fall off track by ordering in & snacking on he wrong sort of items. So in 2021 I want to make better food choices which will hopefully see me work towards other goals too. I want to really cut back on eating out and ordering in as this definitely is my down fall. I want to limit takeaways to a maximum of 2 a month and if I do eat out I want to get the healthier options for a change. I also want to meal prep so I don't fall off track at work too. Fingers crossed I can become a better cook too so we aren't always eating the same things and I incorporate more veg into my diet.

Get more daily steps in 

When I am in the office I don't really move around a lot so if I could increase my daily steps that would be fantastic. In 2021 I want to try go for more walks whether that is on my lunch time or after work just so my body is moving more and helping me get my step target in. 

Improve my sleep 

For years my sleep pattern has been terrible so it is time to change that too. I want to get into a nighttime routine of switching off my phone and laptop and just winding down for the evening and read my book so I am relaxed and away from the harshness of screen light. I am hoping that doing this will help me get settled quicker and have a good nights sleep.

Don't get down about lack of progress

This is possibly the biggest goal for me as I got really down when things weren't going in the right direction which made me fall off track even more. I want to try have a more positive out look on things in 2021 and hopefully that will help me stay on track and if I don't see progress but know it is coming soon maybe I won't just want to give up.

Those are my 2021 fitness and weight loss goals. Have you set any for yourself for the year ahead?

As the end of the year approaches I will do a follow up post so we can see how many I have actually managed to tick off. 

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