It is actually quite rare that I drink anything other than wine, whisky, rum or even craft beer these days but I like to have a stock of different spirits & random drinks just in case I do fancy something a little bit different. Granted these bottles don't get touched half as much as they should do but there are some fantastic drinks in this very random selection. Quite a few of these choices have been thanks to family recommendations too which is great. So here are the spirits and random alcoholic drinks we have in our collection at the moment...
It was actually my grandad who got me drinking Disaronno and after my first few Disaronno & cokes I was hooked. I really love the taste of this and it is just a really nice alternative to the whisky or rum and I tend to drink a lot more of this during the winter months, especially if I fancy drinking it neat. Thanks to this bottle being absolutely huge it doesn't seem to be going down either.
This purchase was purely from the influence of my auntie, up until 2020 I had never even tried an Aperol Spritz but now I love them. To be honest I didn't think they would be for me however, it turns out this is the perfect summer drink for me and no doubt I am going to end up needing another bottle of this soon. I was surprised with how cheap it actually was too as I thought it would be more expensive than it actually is.
This Russian Standard vodka is actually Liam's and was the only sort of vodka we owned for quite a while. If I remember right we ended up with this as it was the cheapest available when we wanted a bottle and to be honest it isn't a bad vodka at all. It is a pretty large bottle too so we don't need to restock it too often.
For Christmas last year work actually got me a bottle of Grey Goose vodka. Now this is probably my favourite type of vodka and if I see it when I am out and fancy a vodka based drink this is the one I would get so I am glad I finally have a decent sized bottle at home as it means I can have a good tasting vodka based drink any time I like. I am not quite sure why I like this so much but I will definitely be restocking this over and over again.
I honestly don't even remember getting these bottles of Jager so I am pretty sure they must have been gifts at some point. These are definitely handy to have though for shots at gatherings and for those Jagerbombs that go down far too easily. Now I just need to find some friends to have gatherings with so I can get through these bottles.
Finally we have the bottle that I only have around for winter/Christmas time. It was at a Christmas market a few years back I actually tried my first Baileys hot chocolate and it was gorgeous. Since then I have always made sure to have a bottle on hand as the colder weather rolls around and Christmas time approaches. You just can't beat a nice Baileys hot chocolate whilst having an evening gaming session or watching a film. I think my first of the season will be happening very soon.
There you have it we have a fair few drink options for if we didn't fancy a rum or whisky. I am really looking forward to tucking into the Baileys though and who knows them bottles of vodka might start going down soon as we try to have different drinks rather than sticking to our favourites.
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