Weekly Round Up #17

Another week of lockdown done, which is another week closer to things going back to slightly normal. Last week was a week where I finally got out of the house on some walks and got plenty of blogging done.

Monday started out perfectly, I ended up setting up my laptop at the dining room table and I managed to get a fair bit of stuff done, in fact I ticked off most of my weekly to do list just on Monday (my to do lists go Wednesday to Wednesday). Once I had finished blogging I ended up having a nap before heading back to my PC to binge watch YouTube.

Tuesday was another day of blogging away, although I did get distracted a fair bit by social media so didn't get as much done as I liked but oh well, I had plenty of other time to get caught up.

Wednesday was a slow start to the day I had a lie in then just watched some YouTube but then my mum,sister and nephew (they are living together) came to see me, socially distanced of course. Then later my auntie and uncle came to drop a few bits off for us. Wednesday was definitely a good day thanks to seeing the family. 

Thursday again was spent blogging where I managed to get quite a few posts sorted out. Then it was straight over to the consoles to play plenty of games. I have been loving all this extra gaming time.

I had to venture out of the house on Friday to pick up my prescription so we ended up combining this trip with a social distanced visit to see my nephew. It is great seeing him even if it is from a distance. Friday was also a day of getting all my blog work for the week finished too, ready to go again on Monday so I could have a weekend to myself. 

Saturday was a nice chilled out day, it was filled with gaming and YouTube so it was definitely my perfect chill day. 

We managed to smash a 5k walk which really surprised me as I thought my knee would have give way before I even hit 1k. Once I got home though that was me done for the day, I made some food then headed to the games room where I spent the rest of my day playing Call of Duty and watching YouTube. 

So here is what I had been doing last week...

Watching: All I watched throughout the week was YouTube I have literally not watched anything else but I have definitely found some brilliant accounts that I have now subscribed to. 

Reading: Thanks to just watching YouTube I have done 0 reading once again. 

Listening to: My garden playlist has been played a lot but I have probably listened to Demi Lovato more than anything once again. 

This week I want to get plenty more content done for my blogs as I feel I am on a roll with it and have so many ideas in the works. For once I feel super organised and on top of things. I want to get more gaming done and do more jobs around the house too. Who knows I might even get another 5k walk in too. 

See you soon

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