March Fitness Update

So March has been a very strange month here in the UK, we ended the month on lockdown and I was really wondering how I was going to keep up with the progress I was already making but if anything I have become even more motivated as I am using fitness as away of having something to do during the time I am stuck in the house. 

I found that whilst I was in work at the beginning of the month I was snacking for the sake of it and buying far too much for lunches which I really didn't need to buy. But since been home I have stuck to 3 meals per day which have actually been pretty healthy too. I have stuck to drinking my BCAA's & water as well as cutting out the snacks. If I do have a snack now though it will be either a Trek bar or an Alpro Soya desert which is much better than the crisps and chocolate biscuits I was eating.

So here is how the weight loss went for March:

Beginning of March weight : 15 stone 12 lb
End of March weight : 15 stone 10 & 1/2 lb

Total loss -1.5 lb.

I am quite proud of myself for managing to lose this much weight especially with the change in circumstances due to the lockdown. But here is what I am aiming for in April : 

Whilst we are stuck in the lockdown with the gyms been shut I am hoping to carry on my home workouts.
I want to keep eating properly, the end of March I was doing really well with cutting out eating so much junk so fingers crossed I can carry this on.
I am hoping that I can get the football out too and try add some football workouts into my routine to help me with my progress.
Get back to meal tracking on MyFitnessPal.

Overall 2020 loss so far : 6 &1/4 lbs.

See you soon

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