The 2023 festive period bucket list...

Back in 2022 the festive period really didn't go to plan for me. I was run down and I actually spent a night in hospital with tonsillitis which actually put me out of action for over a week. Due to not being well and run down I had to cram everything into the festive period and I didn't get the chance to enjoy it anywhere near as much as I usually would. This time around though I am determined to have a great festive period full of festive cheer and activities to keep us busy without costing us a fortune like in previous years. So here is what I am hoping we can do throughout the month of December to have a fantastic festive period...

Cozy day putting up Christmas decorations

I missed out on putting the decorations up last year as Liam got it all done whilst I was unwell. This year though I would love to have one day over the weekend just me, Liam & the dog with Christmas music on in the background whilst we get the living room fully decorated for Christmas. We wont need to rush with putting the decorations up so a full festive day whilst chasing the dog around sounds perfect to me. I just need to go buy some decorations before we can do this seen as the theme has changed this year.

Build a gingerbread house

Last year we got the kits to be able to do this however, due to me not being well we never got around to doing it. I would love to give this a try this year though so the plan is to go buy a house for me and one for Liam and have the competition that was delayed from last to see who can build the best house. This will be a nice little activity for an evening after work, again we can throw some Christmas music on and just enjoy each others company.

Christmas film marathon

I would love to have at least one weekend where on the Saturday or Sunday we just sit and watch Christmas films. We haven't actually done this since we moved in together 5 years ago so why not start this year? We can get the cushions on the floor in the living room with some blankets and just watch our favourite Christmas films for the whole day. This will also mean plenty of snacks and dog snuggles which just sounds like the perfect day these days.

Visit a Christmas market

Where I live there are so many different Christmas markets within a good distance so we are really spoiled for choice however, we never really bother with them. This year though I want to change that and head to at least one local Christmas market even if it is just a small one. I really miss heading to one and having a look around whilst sipping on an overpriced hot chocolate. Who knows I might end up treating myself to some lovely homemade goodies whilst there.

Cozy days in 

I am starting to realise I don't need to be going out and spending money to enjoy myself, I don't need those pointless shopping trips and I can actually enjoy myself more just having cozy days in this festive period. I can snuggle up under blankets in the living room playing games or reading books and just enjoy my time with Liam and the dog. This will not only save me money which I desperately need to do but it will also keep me in the warmth spending time with two of my favourites.

Board game night

Now this one might be a bit chaotic with the dog but we used to have board game nights when we lived with our parents, just the two of us would sit and play for hours however, since moving in together we haven't ever really bothered having nights like this and we would definitely benefit from them as it would be much needed time together with no distractions, well other than the dog charging around.

Baking day

All through 2023 I have said I would love to have a baking day so I might as well finally have one before the year ends. The festive period seems like the perfect time to spend a day in the kitchen making treats for me and the rest of the family. I think a cold, wet weekend might be spent doing this and I have to say I am actually looking forward to it. Now I just need to think of what treats to make. 

Christmas eve tradition

The final piece of the festive period bucket list is for us to carry on our Christmas eve tradition whilst including the dog this year. Christmas eve is where we put the final touches to any gifts and any last minute cleaning before settling down in the early afternoon to just enjoy a cosy day whilst enjoying time together. We watch rubbish films whilst tackling our Christmas eve box which consists of cheese, biscuits, snacks and drinks before ordering a curry from our favourite house and settling down to watch the Muppets a Christmas Carol, the film we always watch before calling it a night and getting plenty of sleep ready for a chaotic day on Christmas day. This year the only difference will be we add a Christmas eve box in for Odin filled with plenty of treats and toys with a festive theme. 

So there you go we are certainly determined that this festive period is going to be better than last years with a much slower pace where we can just enjoy our time together and have some fun rather than heading out and spending a fortune like we usually would.

Now what shall we do first?...

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