My Wish List As I Try Get Back Into Reading & Work On Improving Myself

I am determined that in 2021 I am going to get back into reading, so far it hasn't really happened but it will do soon. As a kid I used to absolutely love sitting down with a good book and I could power through one in no time but then other distractions came along like games, football and TV series so I started to move to those instead of reading and that habit has stuck with me. I am wanting to sleep better and having time switched off away from a screen so I am aiming to start with just 1 hour of reading a night where I can get through my TBR and enjoy the books I have neglected over the years. 

Something else I am trying to do lately is improve and work on myself, I am trying to create habits which give me a better mindset on life so I am wanting to pick up plenty of self help books as I am hoping reading other peoples experiences and tips will help me create a better routine and mindset for myself which is why 90% of this list is made up of self help books to help me out and fingers crossed inspire me.

I have plenty of books at home already which I need to read through but here are the books that I really want to pick up and read as soon as possible...

Working Hard, Harly Working - Grace Beverley

This books is on the top of my to buy list as it is sounds like it could be that perfect book for what I am wanting to achieve on my improving myself journey. Apparently this book will help me create my own productivity method, make a routine that works, help me understand my value and engage in effective self care. Grace Beverley is someone who I have followed for years on social media and her journey has been amazing so I am sure this book is going to be a great and interesting read. 

Good Vibes, Good Life - Vex King 

 This is a book that I have seen on social media a lot over the past few years and it has had a lot of great reviews. This book sounds great for me as it apparently shows you how to transform your emotions and unlock greatness which is definitely something I could do with learning as I definitely let my emotions control far too much. Fingers crossed that when I do purchase this book it is as helpful as others claim it is. 

Atomic habits - James Clear 

This is another book that I have heard a lot about from social media and it has honestly built up my expectations for it. This has been on my wish list for a while now so fingers crossed 2021 is the year I finally purchase it. The book apparently contains four simple laws that will help you set and maintain good habits which is something I really need to do as I always set something but hardly ever stick to it, maybe that book can help me stop doing that. 

The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme - Professor Steve Peters 

I couldn't tell you how many times I have almost purchased this book but then put it back down due to me knowing I aren't going to read it any time soon. Again this is one I have seen a lot about on social media but when I have looked into it properly I think I could really benefit from giving it a read. There is always so much I want to do but I let my confidence effect everything I do so fingers crossed if I read this I can learn how to change this and become more confident, healthier and happier. This could possibly the first new book I purchase when the time arrives. 

Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins 

Social media has a lot to answer for really as this is another one I have seen recommended on Instagram a lot. This is written by a retired Navy Seal and in this book he tells us his life stories and reveals most of us only tap into 40% of our capabilities, the book apparently unlocks a path for anyone to push passed pain, demolish your fear and reach your full potential. Although it has been recommended a lot I still don't really know a lot about it but it does sound like a good read. 

Pirates - Charles Johnson

The topic of Pirates is one that has always fascinated me for some strange reason. I have had my eye on this book for a while now but haven't picked it up yet due to me knowing I wouldn't be reading it anytime soon. I am really looking forward to finally picking it up and giving it a read at some point as no doubt I will power through this and end up boring Liam retelling him stories that he probably already knows. 

So there you have it those are the books that make up my wish list and I can't wait to pick up these books as I know they are going to help me out with my life and the direction I want to head in, plus that Pirate book looks fantastic. would you recommend any books for me to add to my wish list in the future?

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