My Overall Favourite Things Of 2020

 2020 really didn't go to plan for anything really did it? Holiday's and events were cancelled, jobs were lost lost for many and most of the year was spent with us all stuck indoors. I spent most of my 2020 on furlough from my job and stuck indoors with not a lot too do other than blogging which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Even though most of the year was spent indoors have certainly had some favourite discoveries throughout the year and here are my overall 2020 favourites.... 



Of course tracksuits are on the list as they are what I wore for most of my year. Whether I was sat at my desk for the day blogging or going on a walk I had a tracksuit on. What really surprised me is how much I enjoyed wearing a full tracksuit as normally I would just mix and match items instead of wearing the matching pieces, I think 2021 might be a year I buy even more. 

Air Force 1's 

When things got back to a little bit of a normality I treated myself to a pair of white Nike Air Force 1's as I had wanted a pair for a while and WOW am I glad that I made the purchase. Since I purchased these it has been rare that I would be spotted in anything other than these as they are just so comfortable and go with everything I own. They are beat up now so another pair is on the cards in the near future.

Football shirts 

I think by now you all know how much I love a good football shirt but during 2020 I fell in love with them even more as I was wearing them most day as they were nice and comfortable whilst lounging around and also nice and cool for the nice weather we had during the year. Not only did I enjoy wearing them but I also purchased a few new shirts during the year and a lot of really nice ones were released that I want to purchase. 


Getting ahead of myself

This might seem like a bit of a strange one but something that has been a favourite of mine all year has been logging into my blog dashboard and seeing content written and ready to post as this is the first time I have actually got content scheduled and not frantically trying to get things done the night before. It has made a huge difference and I have been really enjoying the content I have created due to this. 


Blogging is the thing that kept me going through 2020 so of course it is a favourite. When we were fully locked down I turned my focus to blogging and creating content I usually wouldn't have time for and I loved it. The year definitely helped me fall back in love with this blog and my gaming one and I can't wait to keep adding to each site and see where 2021 takes it. 


I started saving for a Macbook in January and ended up finally getting one in August and I am so glad I purchased it. The Macbook is an amazing device and is so much better than my previous laptop meaning I have been able to do a lot more on the go. It has been great for increasing my productivity and is definitely going to help me a whole lot more in the next year or so with some things I am working on. 


Games Room

I think I spent 90% of 2020 in the games room so it is definitely on this favourites list. I have managed to get jobs done in here and change things around a bit so it is almost perfect. I have been in there blogging and gaming away and honestly without this room I might have gone a little insane during the period of being stuck in the house as there is plenty to do in here and it is certainly my favourite room to sit in for hours on end.  

Back garden

Our back garden went from overgrown weeds and just a muddy mess to a really nice place just to sit and relax. We have our decking, some lovely furniture thanks to my auntie & uncle and now some gorgeous artificial grass. It is so nice to look out into the back garden and see something nice that we can enjoy instead of a wasted space. Unfortunately as it was done towards the end of the nice weather we haven't been able to enjoy it as much as we would have liked but roll on 2021. 

Health & fitness

Home workouts  

I got really into my exercising throughout 2020 as I embarked on my weight loss journey but one thing that I surprisingly enjoyed was home workouts. I got right into getting up on a morning working out and starting the day in a great mood. I didn't realise just how many great home workout videos there were on YouTube and I enjoyed them that much I actually cancelled my gym membership. 

Exercise bike 

One of my best purchases for 2020 was certainly my exercise bike as I am exercising at points I never thought I would. I simply drag the bike into the living room and cycle away whilst watching TV (usually the football) by the time you know it you have got an hours worth of exercise under your belt and feel great. It is rare that I am sat around doing nothing these days and I love it. 

Feeling more confident 

Thanks to me working out and losing a bit of weight I have become so much more confident than before. I used to avoid putting pictures of me on social media but now I can't stop. It is amazing how a few mental changes can help you out so much and to be honest my confidence is only growing which is fantastic. 

So there you have it those are my favourites from 2020. What are your favourites from the strange year that was 2020?

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