Maybe My Style Just Wasn't Meant To Change

2021 was definitely the year of experimenting for me as I felt like I was stuck in a rut especially when it came to my clothing choices and overall style. As I have been losing weight over the course of the year I have been trying my best to experiment with new clothing as I have required to repurchase items in a size that is actually going to fit. I used this time to purchase items for styles that I thought I would love however, all it made me realise is I knew what my style wanted to be from the get go and I actually had a lot of those items already in my wardrobe ready to go. 

For the longest time I thought that I wanted my style to look a whole lot smarter than previously so I bought a few shirts and some smarter pair of trousers however, honestly I just didn't feel comfortable in these items so after a few months of trying I just scrapped the idea and realised that the smartest it is going to get for me is a checked shirt & some nice fitting jeans or a t-shirt, blazer and checked pants. For me those two outfit combinations are just what I need and I feel a lot smarter and comfortable like this plus if the items fit me properly they look great too. 

I tried my best to move away from graphic/printed clothing throughout the year but again I quickly realised that wasn't what I wanted either. When I was putting together outfits I was struggling to piece items together to create an outfit I actually liked as everyday my outfits just felt plain and boring to me and I was quickly getting sick of getting ready in a morning. As soon as I went back to wearing graphic and printed t-shirts I just found getting ready much easier and more of an enjoyable experience plus I noticed once again I was just more comfortable and confident and I really just felt like myself dressing like this. 

It is safe to say I enjoyed experimenting with my style throughout 2021 however, I am glad I am entering 2022 with a clear vision in my mind of what sort of style I want to aim for so that I feel my best each day. Going into 2022 with an idea of my perfect style in mind is going to be really useful as I know that with my weight loss journey I hopefully going to need to buy a fair new items of clothing so that items fit as they should do, knowing my perfect style is not only going to help me when I am out shopping in what to actually purchase so I don't waste money it should also help me narrow down how long each shopping journey as I will know exactly what I want rather than walking around confused like I usually do. 

Experimenting has been good however, maybe some things just aren't meant to change.  

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