Weekly Round Up #20

Another week in lockdown & another week of not doing much to be honest, I really struggled last week for motivation and here is how the week turned out...

Another week at home begun and it started in a pretty good way as I managed to finish off May's content for the blog. It was great seeing all my posts ticked off on my whiteboard for a change. 

On Tuesday my dad called around to drop some bits off for me at a social distance so it was nice to seeing for a little bit. Then it was a day of playing FIFA for me, I had a nice relaxed day away from the blog and it was great. 

Seen as all the months content was written and ready to go it meant I didn't have much to do for the day so I sat and started planning ideas for all 3 blogs for June, it was so nice just having a planning day for a change. It makes such a difference actually been on top of my blogs for a change and I am hoping I can keep up with this. 

Thursday was a day trying my best to get some posts written but all motivation seemed to disappear. In the end I just decided to have another slower paced day, I ended up getting one post in the end by just not pressuring myself and just watching YouTube whilst relaxing 

Friday was basically a day of working out, other than that I didn't really do much else. Once the workouts were done it was the usual routine of heading to my PC to watch YouTube.

Saturday morning started off with a nice 5k walk for me and Liam. Then it was home just to have a lazy day which was nice. It has been strange been sat at home all day without having Liam around now he is back at work so the weekends are great. 

Sunday was spent FaceTiming my nephew, playing games and catching up on YouTube. I spent a bit of time working on some behind the scenes bits for the blog too just to stay busy as Sunday seemed to last forever.

So here is what I had been doing last week...

Watching: Other than YouTube I didn't really watch much last week but I did end up binge watching The Big Show show on Netflix, I didn't expect much from it but it was full of laughs. 

Reading: Reading blogs was the closest thing to reading that I did.

Listening to: There has been a mix of music being played, I had my garden playlist on whilst working out then the rest was a mix of Demi Lovato, Disney classics and the Descendants soundtrack. 

This week I want to get back into a bit of routine by having specific days sat at my PC, last week I didn't do half as much as I wanted but that is definitely going to change this week. I have a few exciting things I am working on too that I can't wait to get done.

See you soon

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