Well that is February over and done with, the shortest month of the year and it definitely flew by. February was a busy month but it is nowhere near how busy March is going to be, as for my journey in February honestly it started off really strong but then started to fall off track towards the final two weeks which I am a bit annoyed about. So here is a look at the goals I set for February...
Workout 4 times a week
This started off strong however, as I fell off track towards the end of the month I just wasn't getting my workouts in and I know I could have had a much better month if I had just made myself do those workouts.
Go on at least 2 walks over the course of the month
We managed 1 walk throughout the month due to quite a few reasons. 1 reasons was due to the weather, February was awful up here so we didn't really want to venture outside on those days. Another reason was simply I didn't want to move and the final reason was that we were just so busy we didn't have the chance to get out and go for a walk.
Another month alcohol free
I managed to tick this one off and I am quite proud of myself for doing so as I had a party and night out during the month but still didn't touch a drop of alcohol. I now haven't had any alcohol since New Years Eve and I have to say I feel great about it.
Only eat out twice during the month
This didn't really go to plan due to spontaneous trips out, although on those trips out I did try to make better choices from the menu rather than picking the biggest burger they sold.
Lose 4lb
Well this didn't go to plan as you will see shortly. I think if I stayed on track for the whole month this I could have definitely been achieved this and if not a little bit more. I think realising this now just makes me more determined to get back on track throughout March.
Make my lunches for work everyday
This is just like all the other goals, it started off so well then it just went off track. I wish I did manage to stick to this goal though as it would have made my savings look a whole lot better than they do now. I was just wasting money for the sake of it.
Add fruit and veg to my daily routine
Same old story with this one, it started off so well but then dropped off when everything else did. I felt so much better though after adding more into my diet so it is something I definitely need to add back into my diet a lot more often.
So here is how February looked on the scales...
Beginning of February weight: 15 stone 12 lb
End of February weight : 15 stone 11 lb
Total loss for the month : - 1 lb
So here are the goals I am making for myself to hopefully smash in March...
Workout 4 times a week up until my surgery
Have active recovery time after surgery (not lounging on sofa for a week)
No takeaways (only planned meals out which can't be helped)
Take lunches to work everyday
Complete my daily challenge every day
Drink minimum 2ltrs of water a day
Lose 3lb
March is definitely going to be a mixed month especially with so much going on however, I am determined to make it another good month with another loss overall rather than having a gain due to neglecting the journey due to the busyness of the month. I think this month is really going to be a telling month for the year and if I can stay disciplined throughout it and have another loss then I think the rest of the year should start to fall into place. Lets smash this month.
Total loss for 2022 : - 2 lb
Total loss since start of journey : - 5 lb
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