Last Week #39

Oops sorry guys, I usually get these posts up on a Monday but thanks to me having Monday off work this week I totally forgot. Last week was a bit of a whirlwind really. Monday and Tuesday were just like any other week but that all changed on Wednesday. My sister finally had my nephew and I ended up in the room whilst she had him, he is absolutely adorable. So that was my Wednesday I ended up in the hospital with family until 10pm that night, at least poor Liam finally got some peace and quiet. Thursday and Friday things got back to normal, Thursday I was at the hospital myself for my pre-assessment and Friday I got the phone call my surgery had been cancelled. Which put me on a bit of a downer for the rest of the day, Saturday morning though really cheered me up as it was spent with the nephew. I wish I could say the same about Saturday afternoon but once again Bradford where absolutely terrible. Sunday was spent shopping and Monday was spent cleaning so what a mixed bag last week was. Here is what I had...

Been Watching: My week was spent with YouTube, it was mainly streetwear and Fitness videos again last week.

Been reading : I finally made a start on my Hope Solo book, I am on chapter 2, at least it is a start.

Been listening to : 

Bought : I got a few bits, some NFL & NHL items, a Stitch bubble blower for the nephew (ok it is to share) and a new jacket. It has been a week of spending.

Plans for this week : Seen as my op has been cancelled I am hoping to get to the gym, spend more time with the nephew and get out to take some blog pics fingers crossed it all goes to plan.

So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?

See you soon

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