September 2022 Fitness Update

I always knew September was going to be a difficult month for staying on track especially with birthday celebrations taking up a full week in reality, then I got ill and struggled to get back on track. Looking back though I might not have done too well goal wise for the month of September, but I have seen some progress as my measurements have dropped once more on the problem areas such as my waist and hips which is an added bonus. Here is how I got on throughout September though...

Get in the minimum of 3 workouts per week

Unfortunately, I only managed the maximum of 2 workouts per week throughout September. This is mainly due to poor planning on my behalf, I would schedule in working out but then I would end up having something else crop up during the day that I would end up doing. I am determined to get better at planning though and making working out a non-negotiable as I need to be getting all my workouts done each week, no excuses.  

Get into the 14 stone bracket
I am in touching distance but not there just yet, it does make me wonder though if it wasn't my birthday month and if I didn't get run down after the celebrations would I have actually reached this? All I know is with how close I currently am, I am more determined than ever to do everything possible to finally get into this weight bracket.

Enjoy my birthday without going overboard
Oh look a goal I set that I actually managed. In the end I had around a week of birthday celebrations mainly involving eating and drinking but in the end I managed to reign it in and didn't go overboard. I enjoyed myself without drinking far too much or eating everything in site which I used to do. This is definitely a sign that my habits are changing alongside my mindset when it comes to celebrations and not wanting to destroy any progress I have made.

30 mins on bike or punch bag each day

This is another goal that didn't happen due to time constraints. I wish I could have done this and honestly I think that I am going to give it a go again soon as I know my body will really benefit from this. I managed a few days on the bike but nowhere near as much as I wanted to do. It is time to try this again one day and really plan my days so I can achieve this.

- Limit to 3 takeaways throughout month (not including planned meals out)

Another goal I didn't hit and I am totally blaming that birthday period for this. Once the birthday was out of the way I ended up run down which led to me not wanting to eat properly and we had far too many takeaways which really didn't help progress for the month. Takeaways are definitely getting cut back on now though as they really are a waste of money.

 Lose 4 lb

Well this really didn't go to plan and I ended up actually gaining weight. Luckily though it was only 1lb I gained but honestly after the birthday I thought I would have gained a few more lbs. I am determined that October will be back to losing ways, but I guess only time will tell.

 Start really getting into the habit of meal prepping

Another goal that didn't happen due to poor planning on my behalf, I am determined to do this in October though as I want to start eating much better as I know that this is going to be key in me actually making progress in the new month. I really do need to start eating better and even if it takes 2 hours one day a week to ensure this happens it is better than eating junk all month.

 Make more progress on the home gym

Unfortunately progress stalled on this during October as it was in the hands of others and the delay couldn't be helped. We are really hoping though that in October we can get things moving a little bit as I really want it done by Christmas so we can have our house back and so that I can actually have somewhere to workout without having to drag equipment around every too minutes. Plus I really, really want a treadmill. 

So here is how September looked on the scales...

Beginning of September weight: 15 stone 2 lb 

End of September weight : 15 stone 3 lb

Total loss for the month : + 1lb

So here are the goals I am making for myself to hopefully smash in October ...

- Go boxing at least 3 times throughout the month
- Hit steps daily 
-Sort out my workout clothing once and for all
- Lose 5lbs
- Add more cardio to the routine 
- Go to football training every Monday
- Sort out some new football boots

September didn't really go to plan but to be honest I didn't really expect it to as I honestly thought it would take me a while to get into things once my birthday celebrations were over and done with plus September seemed to be a lot busier than expected. I will be honest I am quite proud that I only gained 1 lb throughout September as I really did think it would be much more. It is time now though to make October my best month yet, I have a clear goal in mind, football is becoming more regular and I am into my new programme with my online coach so lets hope the new goals for October are absolutely smashed by the time I am writing my October update post.

Total loss for 2022 : - 10 lb

Total loss since start of journey : - 13 lb

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