May 2018 Goals

May has come around too fast but I am actually quite glad because I get to see Nickelback again, it also means I am a month closer to going and see Demi Lovato which I really can't wait for. It also means the football season is over and I have my weekends free for a change, I would normally go shopping every weekend whilst we were in the off season but I have promised Liam I will be good and actually spend more time in the house as I don't really need to head out anywhere. This gives us more time to just spend together and I can actually get plenty of posts sorted out and do plenty of jobs. So here are a few goals / targets I am setting myself for the month of May.

House wise we have 3 rooms currently half done, we have made a list of what is left to do and are going to do as many of these ourselves. There are some things we won't be able to do but we can always give it a try. I want to get the bedroom and living room completely finished this month as it is starting to drive me a little mad not having everything unpacked in the rooms, to be honest there isn't actually that much left to do in either of these rooms.
 I also want to try get started on our dining room, as it stands we are eating our meals sat at our computer desks in the games room so I can't wait for us to actually have a room to sit and eat our meals in. It will also be nice to have a nice room to look at whilst we are sat in the living room and not just a lot of rubbish. Once all this is done it will mean that there are only a few more rooms to get sorted which will be a huge relief to us both. I am also hoping we can add the finishing touches to our games room.

I had been told quite a bit last month that I look like I have lost weight. I don't know how as I have not been eating properly or working out for ages now. One thing I want to do to help me lose a bit more weight is to stop drinking.... I know that this month it won't be completely but I can definitely cut back, meaning I don't need to have that bottle of craft ale whilst gaming or that gin and tonic whilst I am watching a film. I will definitely be limiting myself to special occasions for a few drinks but the odd one every other weekend won't hurt I guess.

I also want to eat healthier and try make different meals. I have left poor Liam doing our cooking as he is good at it but it is time I do my fair share. I am going to be getting a smoothie maker so I can take a nice healthy smoothie to work with me daily, I am also going to try get myself eating different fruit and veg in an attempt to cut out junk food. I can't wait to get our dining room table for me to sit down on a morning with a nice breakfast before work instead of rushing out of the door without eating anything.

As well as eating better I want to get in the gym more. I am back at the hospital about my knee this month and may finally get some answers but in the mean time I want to get back to working out and hopefully help myself tone up as my weight slowly starts to decrease. I haven't been to the gym since we put an offer in on our house so I definitely need to get some motivation and get back.

Blogging wise after seeing an improvement in April even though I didn't post much I am determined to keep that progress up. I want to post every weekday throughout may to try a new schedule. I will be adding more fashion posts to the blog and possibly a few mini series that I have been thinking about doing for a while now.

I want to keep track of the blog more and become more organised as things start to grow along with tracking things personally therefore I want to start doing my bullet journal again. When we moved I stopped doing it as I was more focused on the house but now as things are a little more settled I want to get back to using it as I really enjoyed doing it before.

Finally I want to start to use my Instagram a little more. I seem to keep forgetting to post on it even though I have specifically taken images to upload. To say I am actually on Instagram everyday I seriously neglect it but that is going to hopefully change this month.

So there you have it those are a few of my goals for the month of May. Do you have any? Let me know.

See you soon,

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