Last Week #4

It has been another lovely week up here the weather has been pretty great. Sunday we managed to get plenty of the gardening done with the help from family. It is looking so much better and I can't wait to get out there and start training and just relax out there. The big work won't be starting for a while though. Saturday was spent sorting jobs out in the house and it is so nice seeing things come together. We may actually have a completed room soon. The week nights have also been spent doing odd jobs just so thinks keep moving, the house is slowly becoming more of our home instead of a work site. So here is what I have... 

Been reading : I am finally a little closer to finishing my Alex Morgan book and wow I am absolutely loving it. I actually don't want to finish it.

Been listening to : A lot of Fifth Harmony once again, I am actually pretty upset that they performed their last show on Saturday. I hope it is just a Hiatus and not an actual break up. But I am super excited for the girl's solo projects. I am also in love with Rita Ora's latest song girls.

Bought : I have been really good this week, we bought some lights for the bedroom at last and a blender and that is all.

Plans for this week : This week I want to get more of the bedroom done and make a start on the dining room ( I can't wait to get a dining room table). I also want to stick with my blogging schedule that I am in love with. I need to clear the bathroom cupboards too and unpack some more boxes.

Last weeks posts : Last week #3, Body Branded, Disney Eats Wish List, Getting Back On Track, Huge Garden Project #1

So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?

See you soon

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