What I am hoping to gain fitness & weight loss wise in my final year of my 20's


Last week I posted all about my general hopes for my final year in my 20's which you can read here, but today is the big one as it is what I am hoping for fitness wise. The final year of my 20's is going to have a massive focus as 28 didn't go to plan so I am really hoping that 29 is going to be much better and I can really focus on my fitness and go into my 30's feeling happier and healthier than ever. There has been a mindset change and a lot of thought gone into how I can change things up and have the best year yet so here are the things I am hoping for fitness wise for the last year of my 20's...

Lose 3 stone

Now with how things have been going this could be a struggle but I am determined that by the time my 30th birthday come around I will have lost 3 stone or possibly even more. I have a note set up on my phone named 3 stone by 30 where I am logging my daily progress and I am really looking forward to seeing the numbers decrease as the year progresses. This might feel like a lot at the moment but if I slowly chip away I know I have it in me to really push on and achieve this or possibly even do better.

Feel more energetic

I am hoping that I can work on feeling a bit more energetic in my final year of my 20's. Right now I feel drained most of the time, getting out of bed on a morning is a struggle and I find myself counting down the hours until I get to go back to bed. When I was really focusing on my journey before this wasn't an issue so I am hoping to get back to that as I know when I working on myself I had more than enough energy to really focus on the tasks at hand daily so I want to get back to that feeling and being able to tick off every box on my to do list daily without feeling like everything is hard work and draining me.

Have more confidence

When things were going well before my confidence was growing however, since seeing the scales go back up I have noticed it has really started to decrease again which is a bit of a nightmare as I was doing so well. I was starting to put myself out there for different opportunities and going out more often but now I am falling into old habits that I no longer want to be in. Fingers crossed I can really work on myself and see that confidence build up once more.

I want to not mind seeing my reflection in the mirror

Getting ready on a morning is now becoming a hard task as I don't want to catch sight of myself in the mirror as I am not happy with how I look at the moment. If I can avoid  mirror I will do at all costs but I know that as my journey continues I can really work on this and I am hoping that by the time my 30th birthday rolls around I can happily look in a mirror to check my outfit without picking out a lot of flaws.

Be more active

I guess this one is going to happen either way thanks to having the dog however, I don't want all my physical activity to be through dog walks as much as I love going outdoors these days. I want to be more active by hitting as many boxing sessions as I can or as many football training sessions as I can. There will runs added into this too to help get me more active and strength sessions will definitely be added in a lot more frequently.

Have a better relationship with food

Me and food are a bit of a weird one, I prefer things plain and beige however, I know that I really need to change my relationship with food and start to add in more fruit and vegetables to help me work towards my goals and just fuel my body properly. I am going to use these next 12 months to work different foods into my diet and just get better with what I snack on and eat in general. 

Better performance at football

I am currently not happy with my performance on the football pitch whether that is game wise or even in training and I think this is down to how I am feeling with my weight and my fitness level getting worse rather than better. I really want to use the next 12 months and this current season to get my performances much better than I have been especially when it comes to my fitness. I know my fitness will definitely improve over the 12 months as my weight drops and I get a lot more active.

Push myself out of my comfort zone

Over the next 12 months I am going to really push myself out of my comfort zone as I know by doing this I will open myself up to more opportunities and also improve myself mentally. There is one big way I will be doing this which is by doing Total Warrior in June next year which is going to be a big push however, I want to be pushing myself out of my comfort zone on plenty of occasions throughout the year in all aspects of my life, this could even be something as simple as trying a new fitness class or something along those lines too. 

1 year alcohol free

Now this is the challenge I have set for myself for the next 12 months. I am planning on not drinking until my 30th birthday but who knows I might not take up drinking again at all if I like my life without alcohol in it. I know that by cutting the alcohol out I will be able to push on with my fitness goals and see the weight drop like I have done previously and it will also help with the energy side of things too. I have plenty of events coming up in the next 12 months but I am determined to stick to this.

I am really hoping that 29 really sets me up to go into my 30's so much fitter and healthier than I ever have been before as it will really set me up to push on into my 30's with a better mindset and be well onto the big goals I have set myself which I really need to push on with if I ever want to achieve them.

Let's see what year 29 holds for me then shall we. 

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