Here are some general things I am hoping to achieve in the last year of my 20's


Well here we go the final year of my 20's has begun, seriously though how am I nearly 30? I feel like I only turned 21 two minutes ago. My 20's have been pretty good but I am determined that 29 is going to be my best year yet in so many aspects of my life. The hope is that by having a great year 20 my 30's will get off to a great start and set me off towards the life I have been dreaming of so much lately, it is definitely a case of less dreaming more doing from now on. I am really hoping that the next 12 months are eventful and help me progress to that dream I have and there are plenty of plans in place to help try achieve this and here are those plans..


Get better with money

I am determined that year 29 is going to be the year where I get so much better with my money, for so long I have been spending for the sake of it and I am now starting to realise that saving my money is so much more beneficially than having a load of items I don't really need cluttering up the wardrobe & house. I am really hoping I can get a whole lot better when it comes to money and only spending what I need to rather than not buying for the sake of not coming home empty handed.

Actually have savings

I used to be really good with my savings but then I got a new car, then a dog and all savings went out of the window. I really do need to learn that once the money is in savings to leave it there until it is really needed as currently I put money in and take it back out for the sake of it. If there are specific items I want I am making sure I save for it and I want to make sure there is always plenty in savings for emergencies or jobs that require doing around the house but more on those later.

Invest money in projects I have lined up

My brain is always thinking of the next thing and I currently have a fair few projects I am wanting to work on, a few are going to require equipment though so the plan is to save money and in those projects to make them the best possible and get the most out of them. By investing in the projects rather than wasting money I will be helping them progress whilst keeping myself busy so it will be money well spent in the long run especially as those projects will help towards that dream life.

Budget for the things that are important

To get saving as I want to I am going to need to start to budget properly to allow the extra money to go to savings. At the moment I don't budget which means I am more or less guessing how much money I have which stresses me out to be honest and I need to get it under control at long last. I know if I budget for those important things it is going to be much easier to navigate my money and the worries will disappear. There will be a post about budgeting coming in the future though with more of a plan in place for how I am going to tackle this.


Find my style

My style is all over the place lately and some outfits I put together make me feel frustrated and fed up so I am using the next 12 months to really find my style & get a bit of a confidence boost when it comes to the clothing I wear day to day. I can do this on a budget and whilst I am losing my weight so that when I hit 30 I have a plan in place of what works best for me.

Be more conscious of choices when adding to my wardrobe

I want to make more of a conscious effort when I am adding to my wardrobe. Rather buying for the sake of it I really want to think about the purchases I make and only add items I am going to get plenty of wear out of, items that will last me and items that are value for money. I don't want to keep up with trends anymore and new items will only be bought if they are really needed and if they align with the style I am aiming for. The amount of clothing I currently own is ridiculous so it is time that got sorted and kept under control once and for all.

Save for investing in new pieces

Oh look we are back to my current favourite word.. save. This is a big one really as I know that I am going to need a whole new wardrobe if all goes to plan weight loss wise and it is going to be a big expense replacing my whole wardrobe. That is why I am planning to spend 12 months saving up to get a head start ready for when that wardrobe build is required. Granted that rebuild might not be needed in 12 months however, a 12 month head start is definitely going to be handy.


Work on the things that make me happy

I have been neglecting things that have made me happy for a while now to prioritize other things which don't bring me half as much joy. It is time to change that though and really put a focus on those things that make me happy, whether that is one of my little projects or just sitting and playing a video game for a few hours, it is time to put those things that make me happy to the top of the priority list.

Work towards the things on the vision board

Previously I haven't really bothered with vision boards as I thought it was just a gimmick however, for year 29 I have created one and I am going to see how it goes. I have put plenty on their that is going to help me achieve that dream life and I have it put in a place where I am always going to see it so I am excited to see how this one plays out.

Spend more time outdoors

This is a big one that I am hoping for and I am 100% determined that this is going to take place. I don't need to go out shopping as much as I used to so I will use the time I used to go shopping to get outdoors whether that is for a long dog walk or a solo walk. This will give me more time to enjoy with the dog too which I am really looking forward to as we can go see new places together. I am also hoping that we can get on some trips away which are camping or in a log cabin, just embrace those great outdoors a whole lot more.


Make sorting the house a priority 

There is so much for us still to do in the house even 5 years after moving in so I am hoping that throughout my last year in my 20's we can switch it up and rather than going out shopping we can make it a habit of saving to get those jobs done and actually go ahead with them rather than picking to do something else that day just to put the job off which is something we tend to do far too often. The house is going to be number 1 priority over days out etc. 

Get jobs around the house done

So with the house being the number one priority the hope is that we get as many jobs as we can done in the next year. The jobs are mainly redecorating the upstairs of the house so it is going to be a case of having 12 months to save and get these jobs ticked off the to do list. The spare room should be a quick and easy job whereas the bedroom and hallway are going to be much bigger jobs which will require more savings. Some jobs wont even cost a penny so it is about time I got those done too and finally got the house house we want it, well at least the upstairs of the house as realistically we are a long way off getting the downstairs done due to the work involved in that.

Declutter all the areas that need decluttering

The house is now over run with junk that simply doesn't need to be in the house so that plan is over the next 12 months we go room by room and clear out every cupboard, draw you name it, decluttering will be taking place. This even includes the loft and shed, those are two areas that get very overwhelming when I have to venture into them. I am hoping that decluttered home will lead to a much better mindset too when it comes to a whole lot of areas of my life. There is just no need for all the clutter.

So there you have it those are my general aims for the final year of my 20's I am 100% determined to start my 30's the best way possible and finally have some extra money to my name and a bulk of the jobs around the home done. 29 is all about finding me and I am excited to see how it goes. 

Keep checking back as I will be doing a post all about what I am hoping the final year of my 20's holds fitness wise very soon and it is going to be an interesting post as I plan to push myself more than I have done previously.

Now lets get these jobs done and get those savings building up...

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