October 2022 Fitness Update

I might not have hit every goal I set out to achieve in October but I have made some progress, the scales have dropped, mentally I am in such a good place and I know exactly what direction I want to head in for the rest of the year. Having football back in my life has definitely been a big help and I think that is the main reason for the shift mentally but at the same time consistency is being a huge help and I am finally finding a routine that fits my super buy lifestyle. Here is how October's goals went during a crazy busy month...

Go boxing at least 3 times throughout the month
Unfortunately I only managed twice throughout October due to me being ill or having football to report on, I am a bit annoyed at this as I know I could have had better month end results if I had managed to go to more sessions however, the two sessions I did attend I absolutely smashed and I loved them even if they were very hard work. 

Hit steps daily 
I think there were one or two days throughout the whole of the month where I didn't hit this, one day was due to me not being well and the other was due to my stupid Apple Watch not working, it just stopped registering steps and I can safely say that was annoying especially when you are trying to smash it daily. My steps have now increased so let's hope we can hit them again throughout November. 

Sort out my workout clothing once and for all
Thanks to a major lack of free time I didn't actually manage to get this one ticked off my goals list but I am not mad as I always knew I would struggle to fit it in with how much I had on. I will be rolling this one over though and making it a goal I 100% want to achieve in November. This should be more than achievable as I am making sure I have some evenings & weekends at home to get everything in order at long last, then I should be able to easily pick outfits to workout in that fit.

Lose 5lbs
At one point in the month I honestly thought I was going to achieve this however, a bad final week in terms of meals meant it was just a 3lb loss this time around. I am happy though as 3lbs is better than nothing, I am definitely pushing for 5lb if not more throughout November though and I know if I can just sort the food side of things out and cut back on the takeaways this is more than possible. It is time to really make a push to make a big difference in the penultimate month of the year. I am saying it now... I will comfortably be in the 14 stone bracket by the end of November. 

Add more cardio to the routine 
The addition of football meant that my cardio definitely increased but when I had a spare half an hour I made sure to jump on the exercise bike just to get a bit more cardio in to my routine and it definitely made a big difference as my body felt a lot better when I had done this and I also saw a difference on the scales. I do wish I could have done even more but unfortunately time wasn't on my side. I am going to be changing that in November though as I have a plan in place.

Go to football training every Monday
Oh look a goal I managed to do. Getting into a routine of having football every Monday has been great, it is a positive start to the week and it is one of the best hours. The fact I made every session in October is brilliant and the benefits are starting to be noticed. I am just so glad to have football back in my life I am not going to be taking it for granted, no plans will be made for Monday's unless it involves football from now on. 

Sort out some new football boots
I have kept this on my goals list for November as I have found the perfect pair, perfect because Jordan Nobbs wears them, I just haven't purchased them yet due to how much they actually cost. I am thinking with me trying to be better with my money I might wait and have these as my 2 stone lost treat, so in 12 lbs time. Who knows I could be close to buying them in November or I could end up with them at the end of the year, now I have something special to aim for.

So here is how October looked on the scales...

Beginning of October weight: 15 stone 3 lb 

End of October weight : 15 stone 0 lb

Total loss for the month : - 3 lb

So here are the goals I am making for myself to hopefully smash in November...

- Go boxing every Wednesday 
- Hit 6k steps daily 
- Get all the workout clothing sorted out
- Lose 5lbs 
-Try get on bike twice a week
- Go football training every Monday 
- Sort new football boots out 
-Cut back on takeaways
- Meal prep every week

So those are the goals for the new month, the foundations are in place now to make this an absolutely fantastic month and to be honest mentally I am in such a good place now and I am more determined than ever to end the year in the best shape I have been in a long time. If I stick to everything in November then I can certainly make some fantastic progress so let's hope it all goes to plan. I am ready to see a decent size drop on the scales this month.

Total loss for 2022 : - 13 lb

Total loss since start of journey : - 1 stone 2 lb

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