June 2024 Goals


Well I think I can honestly say May didn't really go to plan, in fact it was a bit chaotic in the end and nearly everything I intended to do got put on the back burner. I am determined though that this isn't going to be the case in June as I am hoping there is a bit of a slower pace throughout the month with only a little bit of football and scheduled events thrown into the mix. Knowing that I have a few things coming up in June I have tried to be more realistic with the goals I am setting for myself so that when it comes to wrapping the month up it is more positive than negative & I feel like I have a good month overall. 

So here are those goals I have set for myself...


Declutter my coats, hoodies & shoes

Currently our house is full of coats, hoodies & shoes we don't use and it is getting to the point where it is stressing me out as it just makes the house look a mess and it is overwhelming when picking different items to wear. The plan is to really reduce the number of each item to only those bits I actually wear quite often or what I want to start wearing. This will help getting ready become less stressful however, it will also help when it comes to us redoing the hallway too as the declutter will have already taken place and we will know just what kind of organisation system we require. 

Put more time into planning outfits

At the moment I am still just throwing any old clothing on and not really caring what I look like however, I am determined to change this in June. I want to spend time on a weekend planning out outfits for the upcoming week and actually think about the pieces I am putting together. This will be made easier by me completing a goal I will talk about later on in the post so let's hope that it all falls into place. I have a funny feeling though that I will be planning a lot of football themed outfits with the upcoming Euro's.

Rotate the footwear I am wearing daily

I am getting a little better at this as I am slowly stepping away from the beaten shoes however, I am still finding myself picking the easy option that is laying around for weeks at a time rather than picking a shoe that fits my outfit better. If I declutter my footwear as I mentioned in the first goal this will be so much easier to do as I will know exactly what footwear I have for each occasion. I guess this should motivate me to get that declutter done asap. 

Make sure I am adding accessories to my outfits

An accessory can help elevate an outfit and I know this, so why haven't I been doing it? I have been so lazy lately with outfits and to be honest a lot of my accessories are still packed away from doing the bedroom and spare room. The plan now though is to go through all my accessories and get them all laid out so I can get rid of any I don't wear and create an area where I can just reach for what I need based on the outfit I am opting to wear. Whether is is jewellery, glasses or a hat it is time to start adding accessories every day now.

Make a start on sorting out my summer wardrobe

I actually have a summer wish list post coming out in a few weeks so keep an eye on the site for that, the plan for June though is to pick up a few bits to add to my summer wardrobe so I aren't struggling for outfits if the weather suddenly decides to warm up. Luckily a lot of the spring items I have purchased will work for summer too however, there are a few more little bits I would like to add but not that many for once.


Hit the 1 stone lost mark

To be honest I am not focusing on the number on the scales too much lately as I am seeing my shape change daily however, I would absolutely love it if I could see myself hit a stone lost in the month of June. I am not actually that far away from achieving this so fingers crossed I can make it happen. 

Complete the Total Warrior course

Last year I stupidly signed up to do this years Total Warrior and I honestly think I totally underestimated what I was letting myself in for. The course is over a 12 Km distance with some very tough looking obstacles thrown into the mix. I am hoping I can somehow drag myself around this course and show myself I can do it if I put my mind to it.

Push on with the Couch to 5k 

Yes I did just say I am doing a 12 Km Total Warrior but I actually can't do a 5 Km run at the moment. We started doing the Couch to 5k towards the end of May so the plan for June is to continue pushing through the different weeks so I am making my way to running a consistent 5k without having to stop.

Start saving for a treadmill

The home gym is complete for the time being however, I really do feel like it is missing a treadmill. The plan for June is to start putting some money to one side so I can finally add one of these into the space which I guess will also help my running journey as I can go on that indoors instead of running on a road if the weather takes a turn. I need to start looking around to see what treadmill I want to pick up so I know how much I need to save.

Use the home gym 3 times a week 

Now I have this space to workout in at home I am really hoping to step things up a gear in my journey rather than not getting on with things and making up pathetic excuses for not doing my sessions. The plan for June is to get out into the home gym 3 times a week to complete my two full body sessions and my mobility session that is on my programme. 


Have one date night as a minimum

With a pretty busy month coming up I want to make sure that me and Liam are still having some time together. I am trying to work on a little crazy golf date night for the two of us in June however, a pizza night at home would also be perfect for us. If we can have more than one of these nights then it will be even better but we will see how the month goes.

Get out walking with the dog more

There is a lot less football on in June so I would love to get up early on a weekend and take the dog on some nice long walks before the weather gets too warm for him. I actually really enjoy these long walks now so fingers crossed we can get a few planned in and visit a few different places for a change. 

Make some more progress on the back garden

In May we got a little bit of the back garden but thanks to the weather and being busy we didn't do as much as we would like. The plan in June though is to spend some evenings after work just getting on top of this and getting it perfect for when it does finally does start to warm up. There is a fair bit to do in here but I am hopeful we can get it done throughout the month of June. 

Start decluttering the dining room

The dining room has really become a dumping ground especially as we have gone around doing different jobs around the house but I am determined that in June it is all going to finally be decluttered. We don't need the empty Prime bottles or half the junk that has been left on the bookcases. The books will also be sorted through as we look to move those when the hallway has been redecorated but it is just about getting the room sorted at long last so it doesn't stress me out every time I look at it.

Declutter the hallway

I guess the by doing the coats, hoodies and shoes this will be half done as that is where they are stored & this is the messiest part of the hallway. Once this is decluttered the space should look loads better. We also have some bits in the hallway which need donating such as an old sofa bed so by decluttering that we will have plenty of space open up in here. There is also a set back bit that used to be a cupboard where we have just dumped items over the years so that plan is to remove everything out of there and get rid of as much as possible. Once this is all done we can finally get some quotes for getting this space redone at long last. Hopefully this wont be too big of a job and a few hours after work will get it sorted once and for all. 


Post daily on the TNG Instagram page

I am slowly getting back into creating content for TNG and to be honest I am starting to enjoy it once again so I am hoping that in June I can post a piece of content each day. If I manage to get the spare room redone in early June as I am hoping then I should be able to create this much easier however, we will see how things go with this. I am hopeful I will be able to manage this though.

Post more frequently on Edge of the Area's Instagram & Tik Tok accounts

Throughout last season I really slacked on content for Edge of the Area so I want to start building back up during this pre-season so I am back in people's minds before the new season begins. I have plenty of ideas for what I want to do in terms of content for June so it is just getting prepared and actually creating it and posting it. I have high hopes I can do this though. 

Post more frequently on the TNG blog

The consistency of blog posts has really dropped off so I am hoping that in June I can start to be a lot more consistent and actually post content rather than making notes and never doing anything with it. The plan is to post every weekday from the 4th June so let's see if I can actually stick to this. I definitely need to plan content evenings to keep on top of this and have everything ready to go, I am looking forward to seeing how things turn out by the end of the month hopefully we can see some growth. 

Get the TNG Games website up and running again

The month is all about being productive and getting things moving in the right direction once more. I don't remember the last time I posted on the TNG Games website but again I have so many ideas of what to post and a lot are in the notes stage. The plan is to get the notes typed into actual posts and finally get some content on the website again. Who knows some growth might come with it too.

Get the TNG Games Instagram & Tik Tok's back underway

The TNG Games social media has been neglected more than any other accounts so I am determined to get a few posts up each week in June just so that I can start to become visible again and hopefully get some new blog readers. Again I have all the plans here ready to go but I guess only time will tell if I manage to pull this off.

There you have it those are my goals for the month of June, I am looking forward to seeing just how productive I can make the month and let's hope that by the time it comes to doing my wrap up post at the end of the month there are plenty of bits ticked off as complete and that the month sets me up for a bit more of a relaxed July but I guess only time will tell. 

Now it is time to get cracking on with bits that will help me actually achieve these goals...

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