I need to start looking after items a lot more...


It is about time I finally started to add accessories to my outfits for once to add a bit of something extra to them but at the same time I want to make sure that I am also looking after my accessory's and clothing overall. With the new space as I have created in my spare room which is now an office/dressing room I am hoping that I can add more accessories into rotation whilst also having space for different care items so that my clothing and footwear lasts a lot longer than it has done previously. 

There are plenty of different items on this wish list as there are different areas of accessories that I want to improve upon whilst the care items are a nice mixture of looking after clothing more and making my footwear last a whole lot longer than it has been doing. So here are those items that have made it onto the wish list.


Between the new wardrobe and the new space in the spare room there is now plenty of space for a variety of accessories to be added into the rotation at long last. This means that I can finally add pieces I have wanted for a while whilst also finally having a home for each item where it is less likely to get damaged. So here are the accessories I am hoping to pick up soon...


I am in desperate need of some new belts with my old ones falling apart. The plan is to add a few more belts into my rotation, some a bit smarter and some a bit more casual but we will see what options stores have to offer in my size. Belts are becoming an essential now with my weight loss so maybe it is time to get out and get stocked up.

Baseball caps

The house is full of snap-backs however, I feel my style now is a bit more suited to the more dad style of baseball caps. Luckily on the high street there are plenty of options available at various prices whilst still being relatively cheap so I am aiming to pick up a few different styles and colours in these for the spring/summer seasons and possibly even into autumn. First up will be a Primark trip to see what options they have I think.


My eyes don't do well with the sun at all so I tend to live in sunglasses when there is a hint of sun. Every year I go out and buy a few pairs of sunglasses and this is going to be no different this year. I now have a bit more space for sunglasses too which is going to make shopping for them a bit more fun as I can pick up a few different cheap pairs in different styles for a change whilst also looking at a more expensive pair for once, maybe it is time to purchase those Ralph Lauren ones I keep getting drawn to. 


Apparently it is blue light filtered glasses that I require after having my eyes tested and I actually have some really nice smart looking Karen Millen ones however, I am also wanting some different styles that are more casual for my day to day outfits. I know that I need to wear the glasses daily so a few new pickups to match outfits might help me with that.


All my jewellery now has a new home and after a good sort out I actually have space for plenty of new additions. Having the new home and clear out has also shown me the areas which need improvement so the plan now is to add a few more bracelets into the rotation as I currently have one, add a few better quality rings as I am struggling in that department too and I might also add a few necklaces in as I know I wear these a lot and I could use a few more options.

Care items

As I said earlier it is about time I finally started to look after items properly as it will mean I get much more out of them. I don't look after clothing as I should and as for footwear, the backs are broken after a month of wearing them so it is about time I took some care with what I have and get my money worth. So here are the items I am hoping to pick up..

Sneaker Cleaning kit

I am hoping that I can pick up a sneaker cleaning kit ASAP as I am sick of my sneakers looking dirty and worn out after just a few wears. I tend to go for white sneakers these days so I want to make sure I am getting plenty of wear out of them whilst also making sure they look nice and fresh for as long as possible. A cleaning kit will definitely help me get much more wear out of all my sneakers.

Shoe trees

I have noticed that due to how I have previously stored a lot of my footwear the shape of them is disappearing. I am determined to get plenty of shoe trees ready to add to my favourite pairs of footwear in the hopes they will help me get more wear out of my shoes due to the shape holding properly. 

Shoe horn

As I mentioned earlier I am lazy when it comes to putting shoes on at the moment and rather than spend 2 minutes undoing the laces etc I just force my foot into the shoe which results in the backs being broken and worn down. I am determined to stop doing this though and I think picking up a shoe horn to have to hand in the spare room will help me just take a little more time to get the shoes on properly without causing any damage. You can pick these up relatively cheap too so lets hope I can find one soon.

Lint roller/ Clothes brush

I am undecided on whether to stock up on lint rollers or just invest in a decent clothes brush however, I need to get one of the options as soon as possible as my clothes could use their help. With the dust and bits of dog hair on my clothes I am currently in desperate need of the help from one of these to keep my clothes looking nice and clean before I head out of the door. This might be the first new addition into the new spare room space.

Valet rack

Now this is going to be a little addition to the wardrobe if I go ahead with the purchase. This would just fix into my wardrobe and I can pull it out to hang outfits on whilst I am planning what to wear each day. This would make outfit planning a lot easier and would save me from being backwards and forwards between the spare room and bedroom on those days where I am getting out fits sorted. Again these are quite cheap so I am definitely going to look into getting one. 

Garment steaming board

I actually take the time now to steam items however, I just hang them on the back of my door currently and the moisture is causing it a few issues so after a search on Amazon and seeing a few recommendations on Instagram I think one of the steaming boards is going to be a great pick up as it means I can steam my clothes much easier and also not have to worry about ruining my door anymore than it already has been. 

So there you go those are the items currently making up my accessories and care items wish list. Now the spare room is sorted it is time I started adding these items and making the space into what it was originally going to be for. 

Now let's see what gets added first... 

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