Football is over for a few months so what is next...


I am always gutted when the football season ends as it takes up so much of my life August to May and although this season hasn't been best for any of my teams I am still gutted that the season is over with as I am never sure what to do with all the free time the off season brings. The off season brings plenty of free time as I am not going to games on Saturday's or Sunday's plus there is no football on the TV so with nothing on the TV I find I am much more productive as my nights aren't ruled around what games are going to be on that evening. 

The plan this off season is to be as productive as I can before Bradford City kick start their season in August. Granted I might end up going to a few friendlies for City and there is the Euro's taking place plus I will still be playing in a few friendlies for my own team however, in the grand scheme of things football is going to be on the back burner and I am planning on getting other things done instead. So here is the plan for whilst there are no football distractions...

Declutter the house

The house is far too cluttered at the moment and we have let standards slip so the plan is to go round room by room and fully declutter and deep clean them. There is no need for them to be in the state they are currently in so by getting all this done I think it is going to make the house a much less stressful place to be in and might help us relax a bit more. This is going to be easy in some rooms but a bit harder in others so let's see how it goes.

Get bigger jobs done

The spare room is another big job that is nearly complete so the plan is to do the final bits of this and finally have the home office area I have always wished for. Once the spare room is done I want to try get the back garden done and possibly even the side and front garden's done. The main priority though is the back garden as I want to be able to enjoy my time out here in the nicer weather.

Enjoy some family time

I want to spend plenty of time with family during this off season whether it is with my nephew or just Liam & the dog, I am determined there will be plenty of adventures before the season is up and running again. Whether it is days out or a few days away the plan is to spend time together before football once again takes over. 

Date nights

Alongside that family time I am hoping that me and Liam can have a few date nights together before the season starts. So far I am hoping that we can go bowling, mini golf and even a few food themed night like Mexican nights or Pizza nights. It will be nice to spend some time just us for a change. 

Work on content

Throughout the season the content has been lacking on all my websites and social media channels so the plan in the off season is to have plenty of nights and weekends to get ahead of myself so that when the season comes around I have plenty of content there ready to press post on even when things get busy again. I want to get plenty of blog posts written & plenty of social media posts created so I don't feel like I am chasing my tail again and so that I am keeping up the consistency rather than not posting at all like I did during the season that has just ended.

So there we have it that is the plan for this off season let's hope that it does fall into place as I am really hopefully that the next few months are going to be more productive than stressful. I really need the time to just de-stress a bit and also work on things whilst I aren't backwards and forwards to games.

Let's see how this plays out...

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