2019 Goals

2018 was an absolutely fantastic year but I am determined to make 2019 even better. There is already Shawn Mendes coming up in April along with my nephew due in March. Me and Liam are also having our anniversary off work to spend time together which will be great, my little sister is also 21 this year so I can't wait to celebrate that with her even if she will be 8 month pregnant at the time. But alongside all this I want to make sure 2019 is a year that I spend time working on myself for a change too, there are plenty of things I want to work on but I am sure I can do it. However, here are some of the main goals I am wanting to work on throughout the year. 

I really want this year to be one where I spend more time blogging, I neglected it last year with all the other crazy stuff going on however, I already have plenty of ideas in mind which I really can't wait to get started on. Last year when I actually got the chance to blog I really enjoyed it so I am hoping that trend carries on, I also loved going out and taking outfit shots for a post last year so I want to do more of those and up the fashion posts on the blog.

I have set myself a Goodreads challenge to get through 10 books through 2019, to some people this may not seem like a lot however, I got really rubbish with giving myself time to pick up a book but I have a growing backlog that I need to reduce. I find myself in bed at 8pm most nights so instead of oversleeping ever night I am now actually going to have an hour or so each night just diving into my book. Fingers crossed I will actually get through 10 books in the year.

2018 saw me spending a lot of money when I should have been putting away some savings. Granted quite a lot of money went on the house and getting it decorated and furnished however, alongside that a lot was also wasted on takeaways and items I really didn't require. So in 2019 I want to focus on saving, I don't want to be shopping loads during the weekends, weekends can be spending doing jobs in the house and relaxing from now on. Nights will also be spent in the gym rather than the local shopping centre. Obviously I can still get the odd treat here and there but looking around the house now there is nothing I need at all, unless I magically loose loads of weight in a short space of time. Plus money can be put to one side to treat the nephew once he is here and also help us get the house completed.

This is something I struggled with really badly in 2018, I had plenty of breakdowns of how things fit me and how I looked but this year that all changes. I know now how much loosing weight is going to benefit me, it will ease the pressure on my leg, it could help me stomach problems ease off a bit and it will help with my asthma. I don't need to eat as much junk as I do and I definitely don't need to drink as much alcohol as I used to it was getting ridiculous. I have found some motivation from somewhere and I am really hoping it stays, in total over the Christmas period I lost half a stone, this was down to illness but seeing those scales go down seems to have triggered something and I am determined to treat my body better and get how I used to be. Due to how I look I hate going out as I am uncomfortable in anything I wear so I am hoping dropping some weight may lead to more time out for me and Liam over the year.   

The Kitchen
The one room in the house that I barely enter, Liam does the cooking in our house but I want that to change. I want to change that by having at least 2 days where I make a meal for us both from scratch, I think this would help me try new foods as well as giving poor Liam a break. I will also be making sure I do my fair share of washing up for a change. Plus now Liam can't tell me not move stuff seen as I don't use it because from now on I will be using things. 

The House
In terms of the house we actually did get a lot done in 2018, there is only really big jobs that need doing or the spare room. My main aim for the beginning of this year is to get the spare room completely done so I finally have somewhere to get ready properly and actually have a full mirror to look in. Once that it is done it is a case of saving for the bathroom and hallway doing. Hopefully in 2019 we can get the garage taken down and get something done with our gardens, I really want that pond in the back and something nice to look out at rather than just mud.  I also want the side doing so I can go in there and train and hopefully host a few BBQ's through the year. 

So there you have it those are a few of my goals of 2019. What are yours?

See you soon

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