Typical, another year where in the build up to Christmas I haven't been well. Last week I ended up with another bad cold and I am still suffering at the moment. I didn't let it stop me though, I went to the gym, got my haircut, went to the football, got some Christmas shopping done and even managed to do some clearing out around the house. Things in the house are really starting to take shape, we are nearly ready to wallpaper the spare room and we now have doors on all the rooms upstairs for a change. I just can't wait until it is all complete and our rooms are back to how they should be, the games room is full of a mixture of things lately. So here is what I had...
Been Watching : YouTube was definitely my friend once again, I would go home from work feeling sorry for myself and just watch anything in my YouTube subscription box.
Been reading : Once again nothing, when I am not feeling well that is the last thing I want to do.
Been listening to : Thanks to my nephew I ended up listening to Elvis once again but that was mixed with The Stone Roses, The Smiths and of course Justin Bieber's Christmas Album.
Bought : I was quite good last week, only really buying Christmas presents for family. I also managed to pick up a Philadelphia Eagles jersey.
Plans for this week : I really want to get all the Christmas presents that are dotted around the house wrapped and put away ready for Christmas day. I also want to get all the doors painted and the skirting in the spare room glossed so we can get moving onto the next step in there, if we could get the bulk of it done before Christmas that would be fantastic. Fingers crossed we can put the Christmas tree up this week too.
Last weeks posts : Last Week #67, November 2019 Favourites, Shopping For The New Bathroom.
So there you have it that was my week. What have you guys been up to?
See you soon
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