My July 2024 goals

It is seriously time to stop slacking now as we enter the second half of the year. I am determined that July is going to be a month of implementing discipline and hopefully we will see a good amount of growth throughout the month. I have set myself goals that align with how I want not only the month to progress but also the rest of the year as from now on everything I do is going to be focused on becoming the best version of myself. 

So here are the goals I am hoping to smash this July...


Plan out all my weeks outfits every Sunday

Now I have the home office set up this is going to make life much easier as I can fill the rail with clothes for the whole week and get ready with everything in one place at long last. This will include my outfits for work, workouts, football and anything else they are needed for. The planning should also stop me throwing any old outfit on too. 

No wearing sneakers every day 

I am determined that July is going to be a month where I mix my footwear up much more. With the style changes taking places I know mixing up my footwear is actually going to be beneficial and as I have finally decluttered my footwear I know just what I have and what will or wont work well together. I am really hoping the weather brightens back up so I can get some wear out of my Dr Marten's sandals in July.

Add at least 1 accessory to each outfit

There has been no accessorizing going on no matter how good my intentions have been however, I am determined to change that around in July and the new rule is each day I add at least 1 accessory to the outfit I am wearing that did. It could be glasses, a hat or a piece of jewellery but at least 1 piece is a starting point. 

Dress smarter

I mentioned earlier I have just been throwing on any old clothes and hoping for the best but that also changes this month. With me planning my outfits dressing smarter should become much easier as I have time in advance to sit down and work out what piece goes with what. 

Buy a new Bradford City shirt

I have been really good when it comes to buying football shirts lately however, a new Bradford City shirt is on the cards for July. The new season starts early August and I always have at least one of the new shirts to wear on that opening home game. Out of the two released so far I think the home shirt is going to be July's purchase.


Make sure I am completing all my assigned workouts

At the moment my plan is set to 2 strength sessions, a run, a football session and a mobility session each week and I have been slacking and not completing a lot of my sessions which is doing me no good for my progress on my journey. The plan for July is to ensure I am hitting all those sessions unless I am injured or ill. A solid month of hitting all these sessions will help me build a habit going forward and hopefully help me push along on my journey.

Eat a lot better

My diet is what is really letting me down at the moment as I am still opting for the quick and easy options or takeaways however, the plan in July is to really reign in my eating habits and get things under control. I am going to limit my eating out and if I do eat out I will be looking for better alternatives. I am also planning on cooking from scratch more often and adding in more nutritious items to make sure the calories I am eating are beneficial for me.

Complete the colour run

I am doing the local colour run with some of my football team and the plan is to complete it with as much running involved as possible. Now I know I am not going to be able to run the full 5 km however, just showing up is pushing myself more than I previously would have done. It should be fun as well as there is a group of us doing it.

Make more progress on the Couch to 5K

Progress has seriously stalled on completing this due to life just getting much busier than I expected. I am starting to enjoy running a bit though so I am hoping I can set aside plenty of time in July to make some good progress through the app and progress my running journey. 

Continue to push myself out of my comfort zone

By completing the Total Warrior event in June I well and truly pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I felt like I had really achieved something. In July I want to continue to push myself by booking onto another event to do in 2025. The type of event that is standing out to me at the moment is a 10 km race but I am going to take a look and see what I can find.


Get the shoe and coat declutter done at last

The shoe and coat declutter has been put off for far too long now so in July I am more determined than ever to get this job ticked off the list and really free up some space for new in footwear and some new coats & jackets I have had my eye on. This job might take a while but it is going to be so worth while.

Sort the outside cupboard out

We have a cupboard outside that we have piled everything in and it is out of control. It is filled with rubbish, decorating supplies and the space could be made into something much more beneficial. The plan is to remove everything from in here and only put back in the gardening tools and maybe a few decorating bits. I just want to be able to easily access the items that we have in here rather than take my life into my own hands opening the door.

Sort out the shed at long last

The shed is a bit like the outside cupboard, it has become a dumping ground and again I just want it to be a space where we can easily access items for a change. There is a huge mix of things in here alongside things that need binning so the plan is to get some racking so each item has a designated space for a change and I know where something is if I am looking forward to it. I am quite positive we are going to be able to get a lot of bits removed from here to really free up some space.

Keep on top of cutting the grass

The plan in July is to get a lawnmower and strimmer so that we can finally start to take care of our garden ourselves. At the moment the front garden and back garden look like jungles so I am hoping to be able to go out every few weeks and just maintain these areas properly so we can make use out of the space for a change.

Complete the back garden

I really want to be able to enjoy the back garden this year as it has been such a wasted space these past 6 years that we have lived in the house. The plan is to convert the planters into seating, tidy up the space and paint the fence & possibly decking. Having this space will be brilliant as I can just go sit out there and enjoy the scenery instead of picking it apart. I can also have a head start on getting it party ready too as I have settled on a get together here for my birthday in September so I will take getting ahead on anything at the moment to make life easier.


Stick to my to buy list so I am not wasting money

I am determined to stick to my to buy list rather than heading out spending money for the sake of it like I have done too often recently. My list is full of items that will help me get the goals above ticked off so I know the purchases are going to be beneficial in the long run. The days of wasting money really need to be behind me now.

Add to savings rather than take out of them

I have recently found myself dipping into my savings rather than adding to them however, I know now that I need to stop doing this as I want to save to get the hallway redone and my car needs an M.O.T in November so I need to be prepared for that. If things go to plan with sticking to my to buy list I should easily be able to add to my savings rather than take out of them but I guess only time will tell. I am determined to finally get on top of my finances and there is no better way than taking action now.

Go to the driving range with Liam every Sunday possible

Now I know this won't be every Sunday in July as I know I am not at home for at least one of them however, I am determined that every Sunday I am at home will be spent with an hour or so at the local driving range. We have really enjoyed going lately and it is a chance to switch off and enjoy each others company so let's see if this goes to plan.

Spend time enjoying the garden

Now I am determined to get the garden done so I can tick off this goal. If the weather permits I would love to be able to go sit outside before work with a coffee or just enjoy my evening out there after work with a fire pit going. It is about time we got this sorted and made into an enjoyable area at long last.

Pick my next course to work on

I started off so well at the beginning of the year however, I have dropped right off and haven't completed a new course for a while now. The courses I have been doing are all from the free section of the Open University website so I will be heading back to the site in July to pick my next course to work through. I am hoping that I can not only pick a course to do but also make a start on it, I guess only time will tell though.


Post 3 times a week on my TNG Instagram

I am really determined to grow this account and start making some better content to follow the journey I am currently on to discover my style. I am hoping that I can get 3 regular pieces of content up per week as a minimum but if I do manage more than this I will be really impressed with myself. The main focus I think will be on reels but let's see if we can gather a bit of consistency this month and build some content creating habits. I need to try get on with getting out shooting content too as I have been missing doing this and know it will be beneficial for my content.

Post on the TNG website Monday to Friday Weekly

As of the 8th of July I want to make sure that I have a new and interesting blog post going up every weekday just to get back into creating content after falling out of love for it for a while. As things are changing I feel like having the website will help me document my journey and also help me express more than I can on Instagram. I am looking forward to creating plenty of new blog posts in July and also planning out what direction I really want to take my site in going forward.

Post on the TNGG website at least twice a week

Again as of the 8th of July I am planning on ensuring that a minimum of 2 blog posts a week go up on my gaming website. This has well and truly neglected lately due to a lack of gaming and a lack of motivation to write but the urge to sit and play games has well and truly returned and I am hoping I can get the content back up and running on this site too.

Start adding to the TNGG Tik Tok 

I really want to start building up a presence for my gaming site on Tik Tok so the goal for July is to get at least 4 videos on the platform. Granted I might end up doing more than the 4 videos in the month but at least 4 is a realistic number to aim for initially. I now just need to sit down and come up with some content ideas for the month.

Email 1 brand

I am really wanting to grow my content to the point where I can work with brands however, rather than sitting around waiting for opportunities I am planning on emailing or messaging 1 brand in July to see about possibly working together at some point. Granted my following is still only small so this is unlikely to happen but trying has never hurt anybody.

So there you have it those are my goals this July, make sure you check back at the end of the month to see just how many I managed to complete, if any at all. I am determined to have a very good and productive month so let's hope the end of the month is a very positive wrap up. 

It is time to get things moving in the right direction and these goals are bound to help that happen.

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