Getting Fit For Football Week 2 Wrap Up


Well that is week 2 done on my journey to get fit for football and I have to admit I am frustrated with myself. I threw myself into working out and getting my body moving however, my nutrition really derailed things and as you will see the week has been a mixture of things and the scales have gone up rather than down.

So here are the stats for the week...

Previous weeks weight 101.8 kg

Week 2 weight 102.4 kg

Difference     + 0.6 kg

A 0.6 kg isn't too bad but it is certainly frustrating as I thought my movement increase would have gone in my favour but I guess it goes to show you can't out train a bad diet and this is something I need to remember. I am also thinking the bit of a gain could be due to having played football yesterday and me weighing in with heavy legs but I guess we will see if that is the case as I weigh in over the course of the week. 

As I said at the start of the post I have well and truly thrown myself into my workouts and although I didn't do as many as I would have liked I still got plenty done and pushed myself in what I did. I started the week off on Monday with an at home full body workout, this certainly got the week off to a good start and I could feel myself working harder than before. Then the week got busy so a few days rest took place before taking the dog on a nice long walk, 1 hour 20 minutes and I racked up plenty of steps whilst tiring myself out more than dog. I followed the long walk with a trip to the gym to complete another full body session where I hit some new maximum weights and finished with a little bit of cardio, I certainly pushed myself to my limit in the session and felt great afterwards. I was due to go for a run on Saturday morning however, my legs were super heavy and took the day to rest up as I was playing a football match on Sunday. The game on Sunday was frustrating for me as I felt like it just highlighted how unfit I am and I am not happy with my performance lately so it is time to step all this up a gear so I feel way better than I did at full time on Sunday. 

I certainly burnt plenty of calories throughout the week however, what surprised me the most was the fact I ticked off 64,572 steps over the course of the week when previously I would have struggled at 40,000. I even managed to stick to my allocated calories every day however, they were nutritious choices and were more for convenience which is something I really need to stop doing and start fueling myself correctly.

There were a few things I was happy with other the course of the week though which is always good to look back at. One of the big things is getting that long dog walk in, normally I would leave these to Liam out of pure laziness however, I really enjoyed doing this even if I was ready for a nap after. 

I am also happy that I managed to get back into the gym as this is something I had been putting off due to laziness and confidence. Once I got in there I actually really enjoyed myself and found myself powering through my programme without worrying what others could possibly be thinking, I really need to start using my membership more as it isn't that bad.  I am also really happy with how I managed to up my water intake and reduce the amount of fizzy drinks I was having. The Pepsi Max Cherry became a bit too much of a habit so I reduced it to a can a day and focused on drinking more water throughout the day and it worked a treat.

As always there were also some things that I weren't so happy with and one of those things is the fact I didn't get as many football sessions done as I would have liked to due to other commitments, granted I still got moving but there is no better workout for me than football. The final thing I wasn't too happy with my food choices, I might have been sticking to my calories daily however, the choices I was making didn't benefit my body as I would have hoped. I really need to start opting for more fruit and vegetables in my daily routine and I know these will work wonders for me and get the scales heading in the right direction.

Overall size wise I haven't noticed much difference within my weekly measurements or progress pictures but I guess that will come over time and as we push towards that new season I am hopeful the pictures will have some noticeable changes in them. I did feel a bit deflated at the end of the week though with the gain which is obviously going to happen from time to time however, I thought the result was going to be a bit better.

We pick ourselves back up though and look ahead to a new week which is going to be absolutely chaos with so much taking place. I am determined though to keep going with the movement from last week whilst also working on what I am eating instead of just opting for the quick and easy option, I want some nice balanced options for a change. So here is the workout plan for the new week...

On Monday I am planning on starting the week off in the right way just like I did last time around, an at home full body session is on the cards and I will be pushing myself once more in this one. On Tuesday Bradford City finally don't have a home game so I am back to football training and again I am going to be throwing myself into this session and giving it my all. Wednesday is a bit up in the air at the moment, I could possibly be at football again or it could be another type of workout, I just need to see how things go on this one but either way I will be getting moving. Thursday is a rest day as I have an appointment to attend and I would much rather relax after it. If I can workout Friday I will be making sure that after a nice long dog walk I am getting my final full body session in for the week, if I can't workout though it will be another rest day. Saturday and Sunday will also be decided after Thursday's appointment however, I am also away on those days so whilst I am hoping I can run on those days we will have to wait and see.  

As always with a new week comes new goals and here are my goals for the week...

- Don't waste days off & still hit my steps target daily

- Pack my workout clothing for holiday just in case

- 1 Run on holiday if possible

- Complete both full body sessions

- Focus on the food I am eating

- 8,000 steps a day, minimum of 56,000 in the week

If I manage to hit all these goals I am hopeful that by the time I am writing this post next week I will be writing about a loss but I guess only time will tell with that one and with me being away until Tuesday we will have to see what the week 3 post next Wednesday has in store but fingers crossed it is much more positive.

As for week 2 I am so glad I got back into the gym and completed both full body sessions as it has been a long time since I last did that. We also saw a bit of nicer weather which has made me excited for the Spring weather to fully arrive as it should be easier to get those steps in. Week 2 has also shown me how much I need to push on now as the 15 kg to lose has turned into 16.6 kg which is a bigger task at hand but if we sort that nutrition out we could soon see a change in the direction of the scales. We know what we need to work on now so bring on week 3...

Start weight 100.8 kg

Weight now 102.4 kg 

Lost so far  + 1.6 kg

Still to go for goal of 15 kg : 16.6 kg

Check back next week to see how week 3 went let's hope for a good week...

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